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U.S. Border Czar Points out Francis’ Hypocrisy in Criticizing Trump’s Deportation Plan


David Martin | The Daily Knight

President Trump’s policy of deporting illegals isn’t resting well with Pope Francis. The mass deportations being executed by the Trump administration have triggered sharp criticism from Francis who calls this a "disgrace" that harms “vulnerable populations.”


Trump’s new border czar Tom Homan doesn’t agree with Francis and has opposed him for criticizing Trump’s plan to build a wall at our southern border. Homan, who is Catholic, accused the Vatican of hypocrisy, pointing to its fortified walls and strict laws against unauthorized entry.

“They have a wall around the Vatican. If you illegally enter the Vatican, the crime is serious. You'll be charged with a serious crime and jailed," Homan said. "So [the Pope] can protect the Vatican where he lives, but Americans aren't allowed to do that?”

Homan argues that securing the U.S.-Mexico border would prevent human trafficking, drug smuggling, and migrant deaths.

Mexican Cartels are Terrorist Organizations


Homan has acted justly as God would want. The Mexican drug cartels are terrorist organizations that seek America's downfall, so it is only just to lock down on our borders and send them away. It's perfectly alright for Francis to 'build a wall' against the good Catholics yet we're supposed to swing our country's doors wide open to criminal revolutionaries so they can come in and ravage our nation. 


Francis does the same with his Vatican. He swings the Church's doors open to homosexuals, transgenders, and communists so they can come in and pollute the Church while he locks out the good traditional clergy who want to repair the Church.

In an interview with Tucker Carlson, Tom Homan revealed that 300,000 foreign children have been smuggled into the U.S. and dispatched to be on their own with no provisions to speak of. The objective of the smugglers is to use the kids for child prostitution and also to turn them into thieves since they know that these children in their want will be tempted to go out and steal.

And Francis is advocating that we open our borders to this scandal?


From day-one Francis has obsessed about America’s "duty" to open its southern border to Latino "refugees" when our duty is to lock our borders to anyone seeking illegal entry. Crossing our borders is not a right but a privilege. Breaching the border shows contempt and spells danger yet Francis has never expressed the least concern about this.

Popes do not Involve Themselves in Politics


If nothing else, Francis should see to his own household and cleanse the temple and not engage in politics. The pope “ought to stick to the Catholic Church and fix that. That’s a mess,” Homan told Newsmax personality Rob Schmitt.


However, if a pope is going to speak on politics the least he can do is get it right. Letting hordes of freeloaders into our country is no mercy but protecting our people from them is. Francis’ repeated cries of mercy are only a cloak to cover the merciless.


What the Mexican cartels have brought into America is prostitution, drug traffic, gang warfare, and murder. Over 11,000 convicted murderers from the south have entered America illegally as Mexico and other countries have been dumping their prisons into our country, yet Francis says nothing.

He says that America must open its borders to the poor and the homeless yet he won’t give a morsel to the poor and homeless sitting outside his Vatican. He says we must love our neighbor yet he has spent the past eleven years punishing our loyal tradition-minded bishops for their loving attempts to save the flock from the cesspool of pollution that now subverts them.  


As they say, “words are cheap.” Mercy is often a word that the merciless throw around to advance their contempt of mercy. True mercy means closing our borders to the enemy so that we can have peace.




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