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"To spread the Faith, defend the Church, reinforce the Republic, and protect the Faithful, the necessary means are through the Holy Eucharist and the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass." - Praepositus Consul

“The Church is the Mystical Body of Christ and the Eucharist is the Heart. The Heart gives blood and energy to the body."

— Bishop Athanasius Schneider

“The Church through the successions of the Apostles immolate the sacrifice of praise in the Body of Christ...this sacrifice is offered to God in every place, from the rising of the sun to its setting, through Christ's priesthood after the order of Melchisedech."

— St. Augustine, BpCD

Reinforce Your Faith in and Knowledge of the Holy Eucharist and the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
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Douay-Rheims Bible


The Douay-Rheims Version of the Holy Bible, translated between the years 1582 and 1610 and revised by Bishop Richard Challoner from 1749-1752, is the most accurate English translation of the Bible available today.

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My Catholic Faith


193 chapters in three sections: What to Believe, What to Do, and Means of Grace.

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Baltimore Catechism No.3


This is a beautiful new reprint of the 1949 Baltimore Catechism No. 3 and Mass, Father Connell's Confraternity Edition Revised originally printed by Benziger Brothers in 1952.

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Dominus Est - It is the Lord!

Dominus Est--It is the Lord!: the definitive statement on the reception of Holy Communion, "the most personal encounter possible between the Christian & God". 

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Christus Vincit - Christ's Triumph over the Darkness of the Age

In this absorbing interview, Bishop Athanasius Schneider offers a candid, incisive examination of controversies raging in the Church and the most pressing issues of our times, providing clarity and hope for beleaguered Catholics.

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On the Most Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

In this treatise on the Sacrifice of the Mass, St. Robert Bellarmine divides his work into two topics: That the Mass is a Sacrifice, and secondly, the nature of that Sacrifice, namely that the Mass is propitiatory, beneficial to others, and that the ceremonies of the Mass are ancient and pleasing to God.

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Visits to the Blessed Sacrament and the Blessed Virgin Mary

"Here, then," says St. Alphonsus, "is our heaven on earth—the Most Blessed Sacrament." This book was conceived and written to help us grow in the knowledge and love of God and in appreciation for what He has done for us.

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Nothing Superfluous: An Explanation of the Symbolism of the Rite of St. Gregory the Great

In clear language, Fr. Jackson reveals the rich theological meaning behind the art, architecture, words and gestures of the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite, the Rite of St. Gregory the Great.

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On the Church (de Controversies)

In the second installment of the Controversies, Bellarmine takes up the Controversies on Councils, the Church Militant, and the Marks of the Church so as to present the totality of the Catholic teaching on Ecclesiology and refute the arguments of the Protestants of his day, preeminently Luther, Calvin and Ochenius, and in addition, Greek Orthodox objections.


Defend the Faith, Holy Mother Church, the faithful, and reinforce Christian virtue in the Republic.



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