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Christ Spoke to an Approved Mystic in 1902 Concerning the New Mass


David Martin | The Daily Knight

Though it is not particularly well known, Christ spoke to a nineteenth century mystic concerning the sorrow and ‘nausea’ he would endure over the celebration of a new Mass of the future that would work to the detriment of his flock. In hindsight, we now understand this to be the New Mass of Vatican II that was implemented in 1969.

Marie Julie Jahenny is an approved mystic of the Catholic Church who received messages and visions from Jesus and Mary throughout her life (1850-1941). She lived in a rural region of northwest France called Brittany. She bore the stigmata wounds of Christ and lived a life of sanctity that made her a suitable instrument for transmitting heavenly messages to the world.

Marie Jahenny prophesied the first and second world wars and other events in France and Europe that came to pass in her time, and predicted that revolution would later break out in France and Rome, which would be the precursor to the coming Great Chastisement (Three Days Darkness) that would usher in the Second Coming of Christ.

Highly Esteemed by Legitimate Church Authority

What is noteworthy about Marie Julie Jahenny is that her visions have an unusually high degree of certitude in that they received full approbation from both her bishop and from Vatican authorities following an exhaustive investigation that led to the unanimous decision that she was an authentic and valuable mystic whose visions and revelations should be shared with the Church.

Monsignor Fournier of Nantes was the local bishop of Jahenny’s diocese who conducted an extensive investigation into her visions and revelations as well as into her life of sanctity, which led not only to his enthusiastic endorsement of the seer but to his becoming her strongest supporter and promoter.

In a letter addressed to a doctor assigned to the seer’s investigation, Bishop Fournier describes in a few words his assessment of Marie Julie Jahenny:

“The reports that I receive daily on Marie-Julie show me more and more the action of God on this soul. He grants her graces of an obvious supernatural order. At the same time she grows in virtue and noble sentiments… She is sincere: what she manifests is supernatural. I see nothing but good, edifying, and in conformity with the principles of spirituality.”

Julie Jahenny’s Revelation Concerning the New Mass

On November 27, 1902, Christ laid open his afflicted Heart and revealed the following to Marie Julie Jahenny concerning the conspiracy to invent a new Mass that would harm the Church. Notes have been inserted to clarify the meaning.

“I give you a warning. The disciples who are not of my Gospel are now working hard to remake according to their ideas and under the influence of the enemy of souls, a Mass that contains words that are odious in My Sight! When the fatal hour arrives when the faith of My priests is put to the test, it will be these texts that will be celebrated in this second period. The first period is the one of my priesthood which exists since Me [since his resurrection]. The second is the one of the persecution when the enemies of the Faith and of Holy Religion will impose their formulas in the book of the second celebration [new missal]. Many of My holy priests will refuse this book, sealed with the words of the abyss. Unfortunately, amongst them are those who will accept it. These infamous spirits are those who crucified Me and are awaiting the kingdom of the new messiah [Antichrist].”

Fruits of the New Mass

The fruits of the New Mass speak for themselves. With its watered down and secularized text the new Mass takes away from the propitiatory nature of the old Mass where Mass is now seen more as a dialogue between the people and priest rather than a solemn act of adoration to God.

The key feature of the new Mass is that the priest says the Mass facing the people with his back to the tabernacle as prescribed in Inter Oecumenici, which was the September 1964 Vatican II instruction on how to implement the new liturgy. Article 91 of the instruction states:

The altar preferably should be freestanding, to permit walking around it and celebration facing the people

What has ensued is a historic shift of focus where the emphasis today is on the community rather than on God. The faithful today seem to turn to each other in humanist guru fashion, fulfilling the prophetic statement of Cardinal Pacelli [later Pius XII] in response to the Third Secret of Fatima when he said that the Church “will be tempted to believe that man has become God (1931).

Christ’s message to Julie Jahenny calls to mind the words of Cardinal Ratzinger in 1990 when he told St. Padre Pio’s assistant Fr. Dollinger that the Third Secret of Fatima spoke of “a bad council and a bad Mass” to come. This ties with the revelation of Christ to his servant Veronica of the Cross in 1986 concerning the principal underlying reason for the present-day apostasy.

“On that date, as promised at Fatima, Satan entered My Church upon earth. He brought with him his agents. And Satan himself, the deceiver of all mankind, sat in on Vatican II and maneuvered all the outsiders to come in and distort my doctrines and distort the truth.” (June 18, 1986)

The above ties with the visions of the Augustinian mystic Ann Catherine Emmerich (1774-1824) concerning the new church of man that one day would lead the church astray. The Church in our time indeed is misled, apostasy is now the new order of the day. The Dogma of Faith is scarcely adhered to excepting a remnant that is laboring to hold the ailing Bark of Peter afloat amidst the present confusion wrought by change and its author, Satan.

The First Vatican Council

The claim that visions and revelations are not essential and need not be heeded is a modernist idea that shouldn’t be heeded. The First Vatican Council teaches:

God has willed that external proofs of His revelation, namely divine acts and especially miracles and prophecies, should be added to the internal aids given by the Holy Spirit. Since these proofs so excellently display God’s Omnipotence and limitless knowledge, they constitute the surest signs of divine revelation, signs that are suitable to everyone’s understanding.

While Pope Paul VI signed for the New Mass in 1969, he did so with great reluctance since insurmountable pressures were being placed on him to implement the Mass. However, the fact remains that Pope Paul neither initiated nor designed the new Mass, nor did he abrogate the old Mass. He allowed the new Mass as an indult for those who wanted it and never gave bishops the authority to restrict or forbid priests from saying the Latin Tridentine Mass.

For more please go to this link and see chapter 1.


3 comentarios

John Mardian
John Mardian
08 dic 2024

Yes joe, Soother is correct. Maybe check the log in your eye?

The phrase “Despise not prophecies” from 1 Thessalonians 5:20 is an exhortation by the Apostle Paul encouraging believers to respect and value prophetic messages. To "despise" means to disregard, scorn, or treat something with contempt, so this instruction cautions against dismissing or undervaluing the spiritual gift of prophecy.

In context, Paul is writing to the church in Thessalonica, providing guidance on how to live in a manner that is pleasing to God and conducive to spiritual growth. Prophecy in this setting often refers to inspired messages given by God through individuals for the purpose of edifying, encouraging, and guiding the church.


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Joe Boudreault
Joe Boudreault
03 dic 2024

David, you are essentially practicing roman catholic mysticism and that is not supported by scripture. Be very careful what path you walk. This is nonsense stuff.

Me gusta
04 dic 2024
Contestando a

Not supported by Scripture? Really? What about “Despise not prophecies”? (1 Thess. 5:20)

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