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To The President: Life Begins at Conception


David Martin | The Daily Knight

Mr. President:

We salute you for your noble attempts to revive our Great Nation of America that it may again prosper as a glorious Nation Under God. However, we wish to point out that Making America Great Again means seeing to the life of America beginning with the unborn.

The Constitution declares that every human being within our borders has the “unalienable” right to live, which means they may never be deprived of this right. To do so constitutes a betrayal of our people.   

Human life begins at the very first stage of pregnancy, which is backed by abundant and indisputable evidence. Your new executive order 14166 affirming the immutable biological reality of sex even includes language recognizing personhood “at conception.”

“‘Female’ means person belonging, at conception, to the sex that produces the large reproductive cell.”

Hence a fetus is a person at Conception, a truth verified by the best prolife organizations of today. Prior to Roe vs. Wade, it had not been scientifically ascertained that life begins at Conception (though it nonetheless was held by loyal Christians), but the advance of science now enables us to verify beyond any vestige of doubt that a “fetus” at the very first stage of pregnancy is a living human being.

Restoring Biological Truth To The Federal Government

We therefore implore you to solemnly declare at the federal level that Life Begins at Conception since this would automatically establish that abortion is the murder of a living child. Declaring this truth of life would be a mega-move for life!     

This could be done via executive order just as EO 14166 of January 20, 2025, was used to establish the truth that there are only two genders and that a person’s sex cannot be changed. Therein you state that transgenderism is a mere ideology that denies “the biological reality of sex” and you rightfully declare that “Basing Federal policy on truth is critical to scientific inquiry, public safety, morale, and trust in government itself.”

If basing Federal policy on truth is critical to our safety and morale how much more critical is it that America adopt a newborn policy for life based on the TRUTH that human life begins at Conception?  

Should this be done and laws be enacted in accordance that guarantee protection for the unborn child from conception to birth, you have the SCOTUS on your side since the Supreme Court declared in 1892 that we are a “Christian nation” in which “Our laws and our institutions must necessarily be based upon and embody the teachings of the Redeemer of mankind.” What this means is that all of our laws and decrees must be grounded in Christian principle in order for them to be valid.

Certainly, you will agree that abortion is not aligned with Christian principle. According to the SCOTUS decision, abortion is illegal because it violates Christian principle. Yea, it defies that “unalienable” right to life. It's murder.

Abortion Should be Criminalized at the Federal Level

Now we know that crimes like rape, terrorism, or the assassination of government leaders are federal offenses. Even first-degree murder of a U.S. citizen is often a federal offense, so if rape, terrorism, and first-degree murder are federal offenses how much more should abortion be categorized as such?

Leaving it up to the states to criminalize abortion allows corrupt states to get away with murder. Shall we leave it up to the states to decide whether or not it is acceptable to steal a car, burn public property, or rape a woman? Hardly. Abortion is worse than these since it is willful murder. Allowing the states to legitimize first degree murder reflects a powerful antilife coalition lurking within the DC bureaucracy.   

18 U.S. Code 1111 legally defines the federal offense of murder as “the unlawful killing of a human being with malice aforethought.”

Not all forms of murder fall into this category since the intent to kill may suddenly arise during a fight or argument without having premeditated it, whereas abortion in most cases is carefully premeditated and often over a long period with full knowledge and consent making it more criminal than most any other form of murder.

And unlike most forms of murder, abortion is inflicted upon the most humble, innocent, and defenseless of creatures. In most killings the victim at least has a chance to defend himself whereas the victims of abortion are completely deprived of this chance.

Killing an infant in abortion can be compared to a thug who cruelly ties down a young child and brutally beats, stabs and dismembers him until he is finally dead. If someone were caught doing such a thing it would make national news and he would be given the death penalty, yet the same crimes against the holy innocents are passively allowed and funded with our tax money. This is embezzlement of tax money. Our tax money is supposed to build up America, not kill it.

The argument that criminalizing abortion violates a woman’s rights holds no water since a woman has no right to kill. Today’s feminists cry “equal rights” for women but what about “equal rights” for unborn women?

No Tax Money for Abortion

Thankfully, you have now reinstated the Mexico City Policy (renamed Protecting Life in Global Health Assistance Policy (PLGHA), which forbids U.S. tax money to be used abroad for abortion and abortion services, and while you’re now expanding the policy to fund good organizations abroad that promise not to use the money for abortion or anything related thereto, what guarantee do you have that they will keep their word and live up to what they say they are? Groups like Aid to the Church in Need or CRS are communist front organizations that openly ‘certify’ their fidelity while using donated $millions for abortion, contraception, and LGBT. Cuidado.


Thankfully, it appears that you have adopted a “hands-on” policy on abortion so we urge you to continue thus lest the enemy get their “hands on” our children, which a true guardian of the American people must never allow.

I will go on to say that we now stand on the brink of a major chastisement from God that the sins of our nation are bringing upon us, especially the sin of abortion. Approximately 1,000,000 abortions are occurring each year in the U.S., which God isn’t going to tolerate much longer. Hence all our skills and good actions to revive America will do little or no good unless the resolution is first made to end abortion in all fifty states.

You rightfully acknowledge that God saved your life in order to complete your mission as the illustrious leader of this great nation, so please reciprocate as your Maker expects. Don’t waste away the opportunity. Put all your stock into first ending abortion and all the other good things will be added unto you and to the people you represent.

Never mind what certain DOGE advisors of ‘alien disorientation’ suggest. Space travel is small-minded and wasteful. Let’s keep it down to earth and root for the people. The God of our fathers will reward you for this.

God Speed and keep going!

David Martin  

Los Angeles Organizer for St Michaels World Apostolate



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