Luciferians Preparing the way for Digital Currency Chip
David Martin | The Daily Knight

Through the years internationalists have been moving us closer to that time when everyone will have a micro-chip implanted in their hand that will enable them to participate in commerce. The federal government is moving forward now to implement this mandated programmable CBDC chip implant that would replace debit cards and allow the deep-state to control every aspect of your lives, including all your finances.
The technology is already available to implant into your hand a wireless RFID chip which can be used with a digital tattoo. According to 32M CEO Todd Westby, “Eventually, this technology will become standardized allowing you to use this [implanted chip] as your passport, public transit, all purchasing opportunities.” Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum has been openly discussing this “Microchip in Humans — Passport for everything.”
First Launched in Sweden
This CBDC plan was first launched in Sweden where companies urged employees to get a chip implanted into their hand. Over 50,000 people are now using it. At present, 39 states in the U.S. have no protection against companies mandating that their workers be implanted with a chip like one deployed in Sweden. There are now two bills in Congress that would prohibit the federal government from tracking and controlling private and financial transactions of law-abiding Americans with a digital chip. This clearly testifies to a plan in the works to shackle society. Americans are being asked to block Biden’s power-grab by petitioning Congress to vote yes on HR 1122 and S 887 because the passage of legislation to enforce CBDC technology upon the people would mark the end of American liberty.
A Sinister Tool to Control the Populace
With this technology in place the globalists would control your access to work and travel, computer logins and passwords, purchase payments—everything. And while this is being touted as a convenience that can unlock the door of your home, start your car, or pay for groceries, it can also lock you out of your home, shut off your car, or cut your electricity if you don’t follow the party-line. With this CBDC or Central Bank Digital Currency chip, globalists will be able to monitor your every move and action and decide what they’re going to do with you. As they see it, the chip will be your ticket to ride in life, without which you won’t be allowed to buy or sell, to ride a bus, to drive a car, to go to the doctor, to login to the Internet, to own a home – to do anything. A simple push of a button could instantly erase your financial assets. No class will be excluded but everyone will be required to get chipped and obey government commands otherwise they will be subject to fines and penalties and will be barred from all banking activity.
Planned Monetary Crash
Right now most Americans would not accept this plan sitting down but this could all change if our cash was suddenly devaluated to zero through a world monetary crash. For this reason globalists plan to crash the market as a means of forcing society into this new cashless system. They know that the way to control society is by controlling our money. Swiping debit cards for the past four decades has been their way of slowly conditioning us into eventually swiping our hand instead. This shift of gears into tyranny now looms on the horizon.
Luciferian Plan to Blackmail Humanity
Once we go cashless it will be very easy for them to push a button and make you instantly poor if you refuse the chip, because the people behind this plan aren’t just bankers but are satanists. These are the members of the Illuminati, known as Luciferians, whose design is not just about updating digital technology for a more “integrated global political and economic structure” (David Rockefeller) but about imposing a satanic one-world government under 666. These are U.N. globalists who want to blackmail humanity into rejecting Christianity and revering their Communistic New World Order.
These global elite masters not only seek to monitor your activity but seek to monitor your religious beliefs, your moral convictions, so that if they see that you reject abortion, LGBT, or the Covid vaccine, or that you attend Mass, advocate prolife, or support conservative causes you’ll be blacklisted and cut off from society. Yea, you’ll be at the mercy of satanic one-world despots who plan to herd us like cattle into the red barn of tyranny.
The time is approaching when if anyone speaks against Biden, marches for life, or so much as gives an “insincere” apology for having supported prolife, they’ll not only be stripped of their rights but will be publicly shamed by having their names, addresses, photos, and ID numbers exposed online and on TV. Biden’s collusion with China is quickly bringing China-like surveillance to our country.
If that doesn’t give you the creeps, bear in mind that Chat GPT technology will be used against “chip-deniers.” With Chat GPT they can use still photos to create artificial videos of people so that if someone is blacklisted they can create a fake-video of them committing a crime and then post it online or on TV as part of their plan to hunt them down and jail them.
Mark of the Beast
These days have been recorded in the Book of Apocalypse. This is the coming of 666 and the mark of the beast. St. John speaks of this beast “having seven heads and ten horns” (13:1), which is a worldwide conglomerate of evil nations (under the U.N.) empowered by the dragon (Lucifer) and which is led by a coalition of satanic leaders. With one mind they labor for the abolition of Christianity and the creation of this all-powerful one-world government, which is the “Great Reset” touted by today’s globalists. It is a political machine to enslave the world.
The Apocalypse also speaks of “another beast coming up out of the earth” with “two horns, like a lamb” and who “spoke as a dragon.”(13:11) This is the Antichrist, a world leader and magician of dark secrets with extraordinary oratorical powers who will step onto the world scene just as mankind is faced with an unprecedented geopolitical crisis including a world monetary crash. The seducer will proceed to “solve” the world’s problems and thus gain the reputation of “savior” and will convince humanity that Christianity has failed the world and brought upon us all the plagues and miseries of our time. He will then command the inhabitants of the earth “that they should make the image of the beast… and should cause, that whosoever will not adore the image of the beast, should be slain.” (13: 14-15)
Concerning this Antichrist, St. John says:
“And he shall make all, both little and great, rich and poor, freemen and bondmen, to have a character in their right hand, or on their foreheads. And that no man might buy or sell, but he that hath the character, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. He that hath understanding, let him count the number of the beast. For it is the number of a man: and the number of him is six hundred sixty-six.” (Apocalypse 13:16-18)
This time of 666 has arrived. The table is being set to launch the mark of the beast. Right now they’re warming up to it but the time will come when acceptance of the digital currency chip will make one fully culpable before God since it will be fully known at that time that this chip is the mark of the devil. But those with eyes to see already are culpable if they consent to this plan now. The word should be noised abroad that the CBDC chip has been promoted by satanists and therefore should be rejected by all, even if it means sacrificing all.
The following from St. John’s Apocalypse is a warning to the people of our time.
“If any man shall adore the beast and his image, and receive his character in his forehead, or in his hand; He also shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is mingled with pure wine in the cup of his wrath, and shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the sight of the holy angels, and in the sight of the Lamb.” (Apocalypse 14: 9)
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