The Order
Behold the Most Victorious Heart of Jesus
The Sacred Military Order of Knights of the Republic and the Most Victorious Heart of Jesus is a Fraternal Military Order of Catholic Men, who are sworn to defeat modernism, the synthesis of all heresies, and rebuild Christendom by defending the Faith, Holy Mother Church, the faithful, and reinforcing Christian virtue in the Republic
​ means of confessing, educating, and safeguarding the Divine Truth in the Real Presence of our Lord in
The Holy Eucharist
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
A Humble Blessing...
“May God bless abundantly your work in honor of the Most Victorious Heart of Jesus.”
~ Bishop Athanasius Schneider, O.R.C.
Thousands of your Catholic Brothers and Sisters are turning to God in worship and support for the Tridentine Mass. This Sacred Roman Rite, the Holy Mass of Pope St. Gregory the Great, has been repressed, hidden from the Lord's faithful since the Second Vatican Council, but the Traditional Latin Mass is growing.
We at SACRUM MILITUM ORDO EQVITES REI PVBLICAE ET VICTRICISSIMI CORDIS IESV pledge to defend Divine Revelation and Apostolic Tradition in the Most Holy Eucharist and the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Tradition brings us to the Origin. Tradition brings us to the Truth. Tradition brings us to the Most Sacred and Victorious Heart. Tradition brings us to Christ. Tradition brings us to Salvation.
The Lord Jesus Christ is always with us in spirit and by proceeding the Holy Ghost, but He appears truly in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Through transubstantiation, the full body, blood, soul, and divinity of Christ becomes present, veiled under the appearance of bread and wine. He is there, with all of the Angels and Saints, to be received by the Faithful for their spiritual food, while reverently kneeling and on the tongue. He is your Divine King!
We encourage you, your friends and family, to seek out the Tridentine Mass and join the Mystical Body of Christ in restoring Holy Mother Church.