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Archbishop Vigano: COVID Vaccine is a Human Sacrifice to Satan

By David Martin | The Daily Knight

Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, the former Papal Nuncio to the United States has decried the COVID vaccine made with aborted baby tissue, saying it is a tool to advance the globalist ideology which is “anti-human,” anti-religious,” and anti-christic.”

In the forward to a new book on the problems with the COVID vaccine, the Archbishop points out that abortion is a sacrifice to the devil and he says that by being inoculated with a vaccine made with aborted baby parts people are participating in this sacrifice to Satan.

Satanic Antichurch

Vigano cites how Antichrist claims the unborn “through the pharmaceutical companies that use fetal tissue from abortions to manufacture a so-called vaccine that is presented in the delirium of Covid-19 as a sacrament of salvation by which one is incorporated into the ‘mystical body’ of Satan, the globalist anti-church.”

He says that “the ‘liturgical’ connotation of the pandemic intentionally echoes signs and symbols proper to the True Religion in such a way as to deceive even the simple and push them to conform to a collective cult.” He points out the “intolerant attitude of the Covid priests, the health magisterium of the ‘experts,’ the inquisition against the denier ‘heretics,’ and the fideistic adherence to the most grotesque superstitions passed off as science by virologist sorcerers and television vestals.”

Vigano also points out how the moral dissent of today’s Catholic hierarchy has laid the groundwork for this new satanic church of man.

“If the Pope and the Bishops had a minimum of fear of God, they would not try to justify with unworthy sophistry a vaccine that in order to be produced requires stem cells obtained from voluntarily aborted fetuses. The pretium sanguinis [price of blood] would be enough to make them not even take it into consideration, but perhaps among the beneficiaries of that pretiun there are also Prelates who care more about the hypocritical praise of the enemies of Christ than the heroic witness of the Faith.”

Above all, Archbishop Vigano laments the “barbarism” of the COVID vaccine in how babies are being murdered and used to murder the adults, especially the sick and the elderly.

"The most innocent and defenseless creature, the baby in the womb in the third month of gestation, is sacrificed and dismembered in order to extract tissue from his still palpitating body with which to produce a non-cure, a non-vaccine, which not only does not heal from the virus, but in all likelihood causes a greater percentage of death than Covid itself, especially in the elderly or those who are sick."

COVID Vaccine is Poison

The vaccine indeed is poison. The world’s most competent medical experts, including Byram Bridle, Ph.D., Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, and internationally acclaimed physician Joseph Mercola, M.D. have already made it clear that the COVID vaccine is a deadly bio-weapon that has killed countless thousands of people throughout the world. Dr. Zelenko suspects that up to 100,000 people have now died from the vaccine.

Given this and the fact that the COVID vaccine is consecrated to satan, one would think that humanity would instantly reject it as an abomination of apocalyptic proportions, but instead we see the world’s peoples bowing to the “venerable” jab as if it were a favor from Christ, not acknowledging it to be a favor from the Antichrist – their “passport” to ride. (Apoc. 13:17) Vigano says:

“The so-called ‘vaccine’ has turned out only to be the source of enormous, scandalous profits for Big Pharma and, at the same time, serves as a pretext to impose health passports and other systems for controlling the masses and limiting natural liberties.”

The vaccine indeed is a political tool for shackling the world under a communistic one-world government, the worst of it being that Francis and his bishops are assisting world planners in this insidious attempt to strip man of his freedoms in the name of public health and safety. Francis himself has said that when the U.N. globalists speak “our duty is to obey.”

We pray that the pope and bishops will turn their backs on this global synagogue and remember their allegiance to Christ who forbids that political world powers should exert the least influence on His Church. Let them remember that any participation in the murder of the unborn will eternally banish them from the Kingdom of God.

A sizable except of Archbishop Vigano’s statement is contained at the following link. Scroll to the bottom.



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