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Alexandra Clark | The Daily Knight

Americans are Suffering, Dying & Being Massively Lied to!

Alexandra Clark | The Daily Knight

With all eyes and ears on Ukraine and Russia, most have not seen the bombshell reports coming from a court order that forced Pfizer to release 55,000 pages of documents on their vaccine. These reports they wanted to keep hidden. Thank God for the U.S. district judge Mark Pittman who ordered the FDA to produce all remaining data on the vaccine at a rate of 55,000 pages per month, much faster than the 500-page-per month. If the FDA’s request of 500 Pages per month won, that would have taken 75 years to see all the data on the Pfizer vaccine! These documents have started to be released and the data is shocking!

To start off the first piece of shocking data is that the Pfizer vaccine only has 1,291 side effects! If that is not enough evidence to the murderous effects of the vaccine I don't know what is!

This 38 page document here list some of those side effects:

As Lawyer, Aaron Siri stated this is "A great win for transparency that removes a stranglehold "health" authorities have had on data independent scientists need to offer solutions and address serious issues with the vaccine program, (his article found here),

The Pfizer data is clearly showing that their vaccine is killing people, more so than Covid even came close to killing. A video on the Stew Peters Show, with Dr. Robert Malone exposes confidential information from Pfizer containing fatal vaccine injuries and lists of extreme adverse events. Watch Video: Top Secret Pfizer Documents Leaked: Pfizer Knew That Vaxx Would Kill Thousands

The bottom line is that Pfizer knew its mRNA (messenger RNA) vaccine injection is dangerous and lied about it.

Again the data is still being analyzed from the 55,000 pages from Pfizer but there are some bombshell reports already coming out and of course not being reported on. A big one is from Steve Kirsch, Founder & Executive Director of Vaccine Safety Research Foundation, where he is working with over 20 scientists, doctors, and statisticians researching the safety of the COVID-19 vaccines, including the renowned Dr. Malone, who is the inventor of the core mRNA vaccine technologies. Kirsch reports thus far that the Pfizer documents tell us 13 things, and will report more as they come to know more:

  1. Pfizer claimed repeatedly in their documents to the FDA that their vaccine would “prevent” COVID-19.

  2. Pfizer knew the injection’s adverse effects would increase with more injections of continuing boosters.

  3. Pfizer knew their injections did not stay at the injection site.

  4. Pfizer knew that the vaccinated group reported far more systemic adverse events than the placebo group.

  5. Pfizer knew that the efficacy of the vaccine waned very quickly over time; by as much as 50% in as little as 1 month after the second dose. How come we weren’t warned about that???

  6. Pfizer defended VAERS (because they didn’t want extra reporting cost burdens).

  7. There are six individuals that signed up for two different clinical trials at two different sites which is really odd.

  8. Pfizer knew vaccinated individuals could still catch COVID-19 and test positive.

  9. There are 1,448 pages comprising 9,704 individual subjects who were excluded from the trials. There isn’t enough detail to know why.

  10. Pfizer paid $2,875,842.00 for their application to the FDA. This is more of a point of information for now.

  11. It is troubling that Pfizer redacts information that is not proprietary that would be very helpful in assessing the data such as the number of doses administered in the ADVERSE EVENTS OF SPECIAL INTEREST” (AESI) document (aka the 5.3.6 document).

  12. Pfizer only tests you for COVID if you have at least one symptom. If the vaccine suppresses symptoms (which it apparently does), then it will falsely appear as if the vaccine reduces the number of COVID cases.

  13. How could anaphylaxis not show up in the Phase 3 trial on any of the 44,000 patients, yet show up as a major safety concern in the post-marketing document?!?

Taken from Steven Kirsch's Newsletter, finish reading his report here.

When we think about the facts of what is listed in number three above could this start to explain all the death we are seeing with woman having miscarriages?