Trump: “Every child is a sacred gift from God”

President Trump attends March For Life (The Arlington Catholic Herald)
President Trump has been called the ‘most pro-life president we’ve ever had’ by Fr. Frank Pavone, the national director of Priests for Life.
In President Trump's latest pro-life statement at a rally in Hershey, PA on Dec. 10, 2019, he started out by talking about Governor Ralph Northam, saying: “This character in Virginia. Did you see the Virginia governor? I mean, he gave a whole expose. The baby is born, and then basically, they start talking to the mother. The baby is born. And there’s no other word. If the mother decides no, then they execute the baby. Okay? He’s the governor of Virginia and why the Republicans aren’t going to win Virginia this next election, 2020. I’ll tell you what, we’re going to give it a very strong shot. When you have people like that, we’re going to give it a very strong shot.”
President Trump continued saying: “That’s why I’ve asked Congress to prohibit extreme late-term abortion. Because Republicans believe that every child is a sacred gift from God.”
This emphasizing on the importance of the sanctity of life in his speeches is not something new. And he keeps asking that we work together to build a culture that cherishes and protects innocent lives. From the beginning of this year, he has only increased in his support of the sanctity of human life as a fundamental truth. Last year, President Trump was the first U.S. President to address the March for Life. As the 45th President of the U.S. he addressed the 45th March for Life saying: “that is why we March, that is why we pray, and that is why we declare that America's future will be filled with goodness, peace, joy, dignity, and life for every child of God.”
Then in February, President Trump blasted democrats in both New York and Virginia in his State of the Union Address, where he stated: 'All children, born and unborn, are made in the Holy Image of God.'
And finally, at the lighting of the National Christmas Tree, President Trump concluded: “At Christmas we remember this eternal truth: Every person is a beloved child of God. As one grateful nation we praise the joy of family, the blessings of freedom, and the miracle of Christmas. On behalf of Melania and our entire family, Merry Christmas, and God bless you all.”