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‘We Unearthed Bombshell Revelations’: Serious IRS Move Against Christians

The Daily Knight

The Daily Knight

This article originally appeared on

Guest by post by Bob Unruh

‘Why in the world does it have 26,000 pages of documents related to the Word of God?’

The Internal Revenue Service, during the Barack Obama administration, infamously targeted Christian and conservative groups, denying them tax status so they had to withhold their comments about what was happening to the nation during that election year.

And a recent Newsweek investigation revealed that the FBI has a new classification for those it suspects of harboring “domestic terrorist” components, MAGA supporters, many of whom are Christian.

Now a report from the American Center for Law and Justice reveals that the IRS still is at it, as litigation involving the federal service has revealed it has 345,000 pages of documents “related to targeting Christians.”

In fact, the litigation shows more than 56,000 pages of IRS documents relating to the “Bible,” 115,000 relating to “Christian,” 26,000 relating to “Word of God” and 50,000 relating to “prayer.”

The ACLJ reported, “Just as Newsweek broke the story that the FBI is targeting MAGA supporters of Donald Trump as the 2024 presidential election nears, we unearthed bombshell revelations in our FOIA lawsuit showing that the Biden IRS is also targeting Christians.”

The report explained that Joe Biden and FBI chief Christopher Wray both have a “history of targeting conservatives and Christians, which the ACLJ recently proved in another FOIA lawsuit against the Deep State FBI.”

It cited the Newsweek reporting that confirmed, “The federal government believes that the threat of violence and major civil disturbances around the 2024 U.S. presidential election is so great that it has quietly created a new category of extremists that it seeks to track and counter: Donald Trump’s army of MAGA followers.”

The ACLJ reported, “Such a report by Newsweek is unsurprising because of the Biden administration’s past transgressions of targeting political opposition. The ACLJ knows firsthand about the Deep State’s tactics after the IRS Tea Party targeting and, more recently, from the FOIA lawsuit we filed against the IRS after we found out the IRS was now targeting Christian groups, refusing to grant them tax-exempt status.”

Because of its earlier confrontations with the IRS over the agency’s discrimination against Christian groups, the ACLJ sought a long list of documents.

“We specifically asked for documents related to ‘Word of God,’ ‘Bible,’ ‘Christian,’ ‘Prayer,’ etc., the group said. When the Biden administration refused to comply a lawsuit was filed.

While the case still isn’t resolved, the ACLJ said, “We now know the IRS has 345,000 pages of documents related to targeting Christians. But the list of the terms involved and the sheer volume of documents are shocking.

Regarding the term Word of God, the IRS has 26,000 pages of documents, and regarding Prayer, the IRS has over 50,000 pages of documents!”

The organization wondered, “Why in the world does the IRS have 26,000 pages of documents related to the ‘Word of God?’ We have caught the IRS red-handed in its unlawful targeting of Christian groups. We aren’t buying the IRS’s complaints about the volume of documents, so we are going back to court to ensure we receive all the needed documents.”

The report said, “Christians should be outraged to know that their federal government violated religious liberty in such an egregious fashion.”

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