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  • David Martin | The Daily Knight

Tropical Storm Hilary an Act of God

David Martin | The Daily Knight

A woman pushes a cart on a flooded street in Palm Springs, California

Tropical Storm Hilary that doused Southern California on August 20 with heavy rains was a weather event for the books. For with the exception of a few isolated afternoon and evening thundershowers in the mountains and deserts during the months of July and August, California receives virtually no measurable rainfall from the months of April to November.

Whereas most areas of Southern California received 4 inches of rain from this latest storm with up to 8 inches or more in some of the mountain and inland areas. The Coachella Valley near Palm Springs was particularly hard hit (which shouldn’t surprise us given the extremely high LGBT population there).

Even so, Hilary was not a ‘catastrophic weather event’ of ‘life-taking proportions’ as some were building it up to be. The media is very sensational and will always zero in on a handful of pet photos to make it look like California is ‘under water,’ but these videos from Baja do not reflect what happened in California’s coastal and inland areas.

A Benevolent Act of God

Tropical Storm Hilary was an act of God, and a benevolent one at that, for given the arsonist activity responsible for the fires in Canada and Maui this past year, there was every reason to believe that there was a plan afoot to set California ablaze again during the coming fire season (early fall), whereas it doesn’t seem that will happen now. Climate change wonks were hoping to get the fire going on manmade climate change this fall, but it looks like Hilary has put a damper on their plan.

Fire Danger Doused

Some allege that Hurricane Hilary was geo-engineered for our destruction and named after the former Secretary of State, but if this is true Hilary has backfired on her cronies. For far from being a “catastrophic weather event,” it turns out that Hilary was a relatively gentle weather event that gently soaked our dry terrain rendering California fire-safe, clean, and fresh. And whereas there were isolated flood outs and mudslides here and there, we have to look at the whole picture and not be lured by media-pics, nor should we be so ungrateful as to not acknowledge that Hilary has virtually ended the fire danger in Southern California.

Hilary indeed was a token of God’s mercy – dew from heaven! This no doubt has sent Newsom and his deep state arsonists back to the drawing board. They’re always ‘lighting fires’ so they can blame us and have an excuse to impose ‘climate action’ but it looks like their plan for the season was washed out by a Higher Authority.

Deo Gratias.

In Christ Crucified and the Most Victorious Heart of Jesus.

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