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Stick a fork in West Point, they’re done… wait until you see the new degree they’re offering…

The Daily Knight

Well, West Point had a good run, didn’t it? Once a beacon of prestige and elite training, this institution produced some of America’s most outstanding leaders. But times have changed. Today, West Point is just another woke joke, churning out young Marxists with contempt for the very nation they’re supposedly preparing to defend.

West Point has reached the point of no return, particularly after the exposure of their latest “woke” agenda. Believe it or not, but they’re now offering degrees in “Equity and Diversity.” And no, unfortunately, this isn’t a joke.

Here’s the information about the woke course from West Point’s own website:

Diversity & Inclusion Studies Minor

Diversity and Inclusion Studies (DISM) is an interdisciplinary minor administered by the Department of Behavioral Sciences & Leadership that consists of humanities and social science courses. America is a multicultural polity and demands knowledgeable and pragmatic thinkers who understand the range of human experiences. The Diversity and Inclusion Studies Minor (DISM) exposes cadets to varied perspectives & methodologies for understanding and studying the humanities. By carefully drawing from existing courses in multiple departments, the DISM complements and enhances the core curriculum, academic majors, and several West Point Centers and committees. The DISM helps fulfill the Superintendent’s and Dean’s vision for diversity and inclusion at West Point. Moreover, the DISM at West Point offers cadets a framework for critically and creatively thinking about the broader impact of diversity and inclusion at the individual, organizational, societal, and/or global levels. It also provides our cadets opportunities to pursue diversity and inclusion in intra-, multi- and inter-disciplinary ways.

5-Course Minor Must take 2 of 3 PL377: Social Inequality EN352: Power and Difference SS392: The Politics of Race, Gender, and Sexuality

Must Take 1 of 4 HI391: World Religions HI461: Sex and Civilizations HI463: Race, Ethnicity, Nation HI398: Society & Culture in American History

What a travesty, and how embarrassing for West Point. The left has successfully transformed many of our nation’s college students into pint-sized Marxists, and now they’re seeking to steer our military officers down the same ideological path.

U.S. Military Academy at West Point also offers a Diversity and Inclusion Studies minor, which requires classes in “Power and Difference” and “Social Inequality.”

In response to Campus Reform’s request for comment, West Point clarified that the program was started in 2018 in part to balance faculty and student interest with the “Superintendent’s Strategic Goal of leveraging diversity and fostering inclusion.”

Sadly, West Point’s so-called “clarification” is even worse. But we’ll give them one bit of credit–the left has a real knack for employing buzzwords, don’t they? Phrases like “leveraging diversity” and “fostering inclusion” might sound harmless enough, but in reality, they’re coded language for promoting Marxism, just like “Black Lives Matter.” So, it probably won’t surprise you when we remind you that West Point is being sued for bragging about discriminating against whites.

On Tuesday, lawyers representing the Students for Fair Admissions sued West Point for alleged race and ethnicity discrimination in admissions decisions, according to Politico. SFFA is the anti-affirmative action group that tanked race-conscious admissions practices at Harvard in a Supreme Court decision.

But the decision that nixed racial admissions policies at Harvard and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill determined that because no military academy was party to the suit, the opinion did not include admissions issues at these schools “in light of the potentially distinct interests that military academies may present,” according to Politico.

SFFA didn’t agree with the justices’ logic and argued there is “no justification for using race-based admissions” and, since the practice is now illegal at non-military universities, West Point “is not exempt from the Constitution.”

SFFA contends that West Point is violating the Fifth Amendment with its skewed admission practices. The Fifth Amendment contains an equal-protection principle that binds the federal government.

Regrettably, the radical left has penetrated our sacred institutions—from our churches and educational systems to healthcare, the military, and even West Point. The uncomfortable reality is that this infiltration occurred right under our noses, and we didn’t do anything to try and stop them until it was too late.

In Christ Crucified and the Most Victorious Heart of Jesus.

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