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Florida Priest Bites Woman to Halt Attack on the Eucharist


David Martin | The Daily Knight

Fr. Fidel Rodriguez of St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church in St. Cloud, Florida, ran into a predicament at the 12 p.m. Mass on Sunday, May 19, when a hostile and seemingly possessed woman dressed in lewd attire came into the Church and forcibly grabbed several Communion Hosts out of the Ciborium and crushed them.

With the Ciborium in one hand there wasn’t much the priest could do to restrain her without spilling the Hosts onto the floor, so as a last resort he bit the woman to break her hold and prevent any further sacrilege. The priest humbly admitted to this without any sense of shame.

“I bit her, I am not denying that. I am defending myself and the sacrament,” Fr. Rodriguez told police officers.

Initially, the woman had come to the 10 a.m. Mass in ‘tramp’ attire, whereupon the priest refused her Communion and advised her to first amend her path and go to confession before coming to receive the Body and Blood of Christ in Holy Communion, but pride held her fast. Pricked with resentment, she returned for the 12 p.m. Mass in a deliberate attempt to make trouble.

When she returned, Fr. Rodriguez said to her:

“I am not judging you. I am asking you, did you confess after Mass? If you did not confess, I can’t give you Communion,” he recalled telling her, in the video obtained by WFTV. 

The woman responded to his question by saying it was none of his business, at which time she went ballistic on both the priest and the Eucharist. The Diocese of Orlando has provided Channel 9 with the following.

“The same woman arrived at 12 p.m. Mass on Sunday and stood in Father Rodriguez’s Communion line. Father Rodriguez asked if she had been to the Sacrament of Penance (Confession), to which she stated it was not his business. At that time, Father Rodriguez offered the woman Holy Communion on the tongue. At that point, the woman forcefully placed her hand in the vessel and grabbed some sacred Communion hosts, crushing them. Having only one hand free, Father Rodriguez struggled to restrain the woman as she refused to let go of the hosts. When the woman pushed him and reacting to a perceived act of aggression, Father Rodriguez bit her hand so she would let go of the hosts she grabbed. The woman was immediately asked to leave.”

What is ironic is that the priest this time offered to give her Communion in the proper manner on the tongue, but this enraged her all the more. Obviously, her intention was not to receive but to profane the Holy Eucharist. Her telling the priest that his inquiry into her confession was ‘none of his business’ clearly shows that she was insolent and in no condition to enter a Catholic Church.

Sex-Offender a Lesbian

The woman told police she went to the 10 a.m. Mass on Sunday with her same-sex partner because it was her niece’s First Communion. “I just wanted a cookie, that’s all,” the woman told police. This in itself reveals a warped and ridiculing mindset that would require any priest to refuse her Communion.

The question is why did she even return for the 12 noon Mass when the First Communion ceremony was over? The priest already told her not to return unless she went to confession, but she wasn’t about to regard his words. “And I’m not gonna fight. I tried to just grab another cookie, and that’s when he grabbed my hand and he just bit me,” the woman said.

Another Loophole to Hang the Priesthood With

The problem is that the media demons will try to use this incident to say that priests who defend the Eucharist are vampires who bite people. The enemy will always look for loopholes to try to hang the Church with so all the prudence today is not enough.

Already we see persecution in the works. The state is now deliberating on whether or not Fr. Rodriguez will be charged with battery, according to WKMG-TV.



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