Are the Planets Ready to Line Up?
David Martin | The Daily Knight

There's quite a buzz on social media about an extraordinary line-up of planets on January 25, which some understand to be the immediate forerunner of a coming visitation from On High. However, these projections don’t seem to line-up as to the number of planets. One source says that 6 planets will line up, one says 4, one says 7, while another says 8. Other sources are citing January 21 and 28 as the days of the line-up.
NASA isn’t making any predictions about a line-up of planets but it could be that they are trying to hide something. This is probable seeing that NASA often denies fact and entertains zodiac signs and “alien” science fiction.
There are actually 9 planets in our solar system, but NASA downgraded one (Pluto) to a dwarf star in 2006. In this article posted on January 8, it looks like the author accidently let the cat out of the bag by admitting there are nine planets.
"First, here’s a quick review. Of the eight planets in our Solar System, there are five ‘bright planets’ you can see with the naked eye (no gear) and only four planets that you can easily see without any problem.”
In the prophecies of Bayside, it says that nine will eventually line-up.
The nine line up on even course;
The flares emate with such great force,
The sun in turning will dance around
To panic souls upon the ground.
This is in reference to the coming Warning prophesied also at Garabandal, which is a supernatural intervention from God that will begin with a tremendous explosion in the heavens.
“There will be a tremendous explosion, and the sky shall roll back like a scroll. This force shall go within the very core of the human. He will understand his offenses to his God…
“As the day follows night, so shall this Warning follow soon. Beware of the sunrise! Do not look up to the sky—the flash! Beware of the sunrise! Do not look up to the sky—the flash! Close your windows; draw your shades, remain inside. Do not venture outside your door, or you will not return. Pray! Prostrate yourselves upon your floors! Pray with arms outstretched, and beg mercy of your God the Father.” (8-12-76)
It is widely held that the Warning will initially be set in motion by a large celestial body (comet) that approaches the sun. This fireball will not strike the sun but a piece of it will break off and hit the sun causing a section of the sun to explode and cause a blinding flash throughout the earth, which begins the Warning.
Interstellar Visitor Has Arrived?
Interestingly, an astronomer is making the claim that a “massive interstellar visitor has arrived and is shooting straight toward the sun.” And while he says that it will probably be vaporized by being so close to the sun, this is only conjecture. The above-mentioned prophecies state that a ball of fire will be sent directly from God that is of supernatural origin, which means it will not follow the pattern of other comets or dwarf stars thus making it difficult to observe.
It appears that various comets tracked over the decades including Kohoutek (1973) and Hale-Bopp (1997) are one and the same celestial body that NASA keeps renaming because they are bewildered by its mysterious and erratic behavior.
In 1988, the Bayside seer Veronica privately relayed to one of her workers that the celestial fireball mentioned in the prophecies is actually the dwarf star Nemesis, which in Greek means “retribution of justice.” With the approach of the Warning the comet will strike neither the sun nor the earth but will simply warn us, after which it will return into orbit.
If man fails to heed the Warning, then this ball of fire will return and collide with the earth leaving in its wake a swath of destruction unlike anything ever seen in the past nor ever to be seen again. This final chastisement will usher in the Second Coming of Christ.
The prophet Joel speaks of this chastising ball of fire in the latter days.
“Before the face thereof a devouring fire, and behind it a burning flame: the land is like a garden of pleasure before it, and behind it a desolate wilderness, neither is there anyone that can escape it.” (Joel 2:3)
Those days are upon us. To say that the planets will line up on Jan. 25 and immediately lead into the cataclysm is beyond our ability to know, nor is it our purpose to make careless predictions. It suffices to say that something is in the wind and that the time is “nigh at hand.”
Into fake astrology too are ye? Sad.