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St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, V - October 17th

Justin Haggerty | The Daily Knight

"O Lord Jesus Christ, Who to the blessed virgin Margaret Mary didst in a wondrous manner reveal the unsearchable riches of Thy Heart: by her merits grant, that loving Thee after her example in all things and above all things, we may obtain an abode in Thy Heart for evermore: Who livest and reignest."

- Roman Catholic Daily Missal, 1962

“St. Margaret Mary Alacoque was born of good parents in a village of the diocese of Autun in 1647, and even from her early years gave signs of her future sanctity. Burning with love for the Virgin Mother of God and for the august Sacrament of the Eucharist, as young woman she vowed her virginity to God. When she had entered the Order of the Visitation, she began to shine at once with the brightness of the religious life. She was adorned by God with the highest gifts of prayer, with other gifts of grace and with frequent visions.

The most celebrated was this: when she was praying before the Eucharist, Jesus showed Himself to her with His Sacred Heart burning with flames and encircled with thorns, in His open breast, and He commanded that, in return for such love and to expiate the injuries of ungrateful men, she was to strive to institute the public cult of this Sacred Heart, promising in return great treasures of heavenly grace.

She was famous for her religious perfection and, by the contemplation of divine things, each day she became more united with her heavenly Bridegroom. To him she went in the forty-third year of her age, in 1690. Renowned for miracles, she was numbered among the Saints by Benedict XV. Pope Pius XI extended her Office to the universal Church.” 1960 Roman Breviary

In Christ Crucified and the Most Victorious Heart of Jesus. Amen.

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