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The Mystery and Meaning of Priest Vestments

Alexandra Clark | The Daily Knight

Alexandra Clark | The Daily Knight

Cardinal Raymond Burke presiding over a priestly Ordination. (Liturgy Guy)

There is great mystery and meaning behind every vestment the priest wears for Holy Mass.

Remember the Holy Mass is the Sacrifice of Calvary and the priest offers that same Sacrifice of Christ, thus his vestments each play a part in offering Christ's Sacrifice on the Cross

This video put together here walks through each vestment with its connection the mystery of our Redemption, and the prayers that the priest say while dressing in each vestment:

Learning the meaning of the vestments helps us enter deeper into the Mystery of the Sacrifice of the Mass.

Let us recall what St. John Eudes said on this topic, giving us a great reminder:

"As soon as you leave the house to go to Mass, you should realize that you are going not merely to attend or watch, but actually to perform an action more holy and divine, greater and more sublime, more noble and admirable than any other in heaven or on earth. Consequently, you must perform it in a holy and divine manner, that is, with thoroughly holy and divine dispositions, with great care and attention of mind and heart, and with the realization that what you are going to do is more vitally important to you than anything else in the world. I stress the words "you are going to perform" because all Christians are one with Jesus Christ, the Sovereign Priest, and, therefore, they share in His divine Priesthood. Hence, they are called priests in Holy Scripture (I Peter 2, g). The faithful are consequently entitled not only to assist at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, but also to participate in the action of the priest, that is, to offer with him and with Jesus Christ Himself the Sacrifice that is offered to God on the altar."



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