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Part II What Souls Can do to Remain Faithful During This Diabolical Attack on Traditional Latin Mass


Interview with Fr. Samuel Waters O.CIST | The Daily Knight


Ave Maria!

Dear Faithful, this week we released part II of an interview with a silenced Priest, Fr. Samuel Waters. In this interview he answers questions for our "Mass Conversions" project.

Some questions that are discussed in this video are related to the increased attack on the Traditional Latin Mass, what we can do to stand faithfully and the question of true obedience.

Fr. Waters points out that:

As the people of God, the first Response is to pray. Asking God to keep us faithful to Him. This should be on an individual basis. Pray for guidance, strength, wisdom and courage. Seek from God His will for you all the while being deepened in love and faith in Him. The Priest must also individually, with like minded priest & lay Catholics as well should be praying to be led by the Will of God in defense of The True Mass.

Again, pray for guidance, wisdom, strength, courage & faith.

The Priest as the “Persona Christi” has the role of Priest & Victim. Christ was both the one offering and the one offered. The priest must seek to be open to being the victim, if the defense of the True Mass and the True Faith brings him to this moment in his life.

In regards to the question on knowing God's Will and the call to offer only the Traditional Latin Mass of All Times, Fr. Waters says:

I believe that Our Lord may be seeking to draw some Novus Ordo Priest away from the “New Mass”, particularly those priests who have been offering the Latin Mass. Priests who have been offering the Latin Mass have made note that it “changes“ you in ways that deepen your priestly life: public ministry, prayer life, moral life, commitment to saving your own soul as well as helping others save their souls. I believe that God is calling priests to come to the True Mass and offer it for His people.

The Priest, like all Catholics are to seek to do the Will of God in their lives. The Will of God involves 1 - the inspiration and 2 - the pathway to carry it out. This is always the starting point. The inspiration/thought remains alone until or unless the pathway to accomplishing the Will of God is shown to us. When both parts of seeking the Will of God becomes present to us, we still have the choice/freedom to do His Will or to reject His Will.

Watch the full interview here:

If you missed it, you can watch PART ONE here: (over 16,000 views).

🙏Please offer a prayer for Father Samuel Waters and all faithful Traditional Catholic priests as well as novus ordo priests who are seeking to save souls and offer only the Traditional Latin Mass.

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