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  • Justin Haggerty | The Daily Knight

GRAPHIC: Pedo Overlords reveal Child Bondage & Molestation through BalenCIAga Holiday Photoshoot

Justin Haggerty | The Daily Knight

Social media exploded this past week over #BalenciagaGate, in which the fashion line released a photoshoot illustrating the bondage of panda bears (symbol of torture victims), child pornography and exploitation, pedophilia, and masonic sacrificial rituals. Balenciaga has deleted all social media posts, gaslighted all inquiries on pedophilia, and offered and insincere apology that the content was a mistakenly released. The CIA's corrupt hands are certainly all over BalenCIAga.

We will leave it to you to decide.

Bondage Panda Bear, a symbol of the dark eye circles and black eyes of torture victims.

BDSM kit.

Children are often drugged or intoxicated by pedophiles, many victims, including child actors in Hollywood, have testified on this approach. Balenciaga illustrates the tactic here:

The holiday photoshoot also tipped its hand by insidiously placing legal documents of Ashcroft v. Free Speech Coalition hidden under an envelope near a black handbag.

In Ashcroft v. Free Speech Coalition, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that it as "constitutional" and "lawful" to synthetically produce child porn. Essentially, as long as real children were not harmed, one could depict the rape, molestation, torture, and sexual sacrifice of children under the First Amendment.

The next photo, for the literature that we displayed on the window sill, was perhaps most disturbing.

The three books on the window sill glorify pedophilia, cannibalism, and Satanic-masonic sexual rituals; Fire From The Sun by Michaël Borremans, Grit and Glamour about Elizabeth Taylor, and The Cremaster Cycle by Matthew Barney.

We can suspect that Grit and Glamour was included for Elizabeth Taylor's defense of renown pedophiles like Michael Jackson. Fire From The Sun proclaims the sadistic and twisted mind of Michaël Borremans, who's art was inspired by pedophilia and cannibalism.

The Satanic occult and freemasonic nightmare of The Cremaster Cycle by Matthew Barney:

Depiction of freemasonic ritual....castration and gender reassignment.

New World Order colors of yellow and blue. Ukraine.

The Satanic occult, freemasonic, communist, internationalist-socialist, homosexual and pedophile rings of the Elites built the fabricated New World Order of the modernist 20th and 21st centuries. What was once held in the shadows is not in broad daylight. These demons no longer hide, they openly proclaim and brag about their sins and how they torture children. Abortion is not enough. These demons want to destroy all that is pure and beautiful in the world. These demons want your children.

In Christ Crucified and the Most Victorious Heart of Jesus.



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