Fr. Hesse explains why Quo Primum is a forever binding document
By Fr. Gregory Hesse
“The Mass, due to the oldest principle of Mass - Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi - the Law of what has to be prayed, would determine the Law of what has to be believed.
Therefore the Mass is not just a matter of Faith, it is the basis of our Faith. We do not believe what is not celebrated in Mass, and we believe what is celebrated in Mass.
A decree [Quo Primum] therefore ruling over the entire structure of Mass, and not just little details, would certainly bind the successor of the Pope who has issued the decree. … In the past, Catholics had a strong sense of Tradition.
Pope Pius V did not proclaim or publish anything new. He canonized what he found. There was nothing new in the Missal of St Pius V of 1570. He canonized the Mass because he did not give his successors the right to change the Mass ever again. … Canon 13 of the 7th Session of the Council of Trent Canons on the Sacraments in General says that whosoever says that the accustomed and rites handed down in the practice of the sacraments may be held in disdain or something may be omitted or added to them or they may be changed into new rites by whomsoever pastor of the Church…, let him be accursed.

Fr. Hesse qualifications: Fr. Hesse was appointed theologian by the Holy Father, John Paul II. He has his Doctorate from the Pontifical University in Rome in theology and canon law. Fr. Hesse spent 15 years in Rome and was the secretary for Cardinal Stickler for 2 years.