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Another Catholic Church desecrated - it will get worse after the 2020 General Election

Justin Haggerty | The Daily Knight

Justin Haggerty | The Daily Knight

St. Martin of Tours Catholic Church, Louisville, KY (Facebook)

If you think that the anti-Catholic rhetoric and violence will stop after a President Donald J. Trump victory on November 3rd, then you are unfortunately mistaken. On Sunday, October 25th, another Catholic Church was vandalized and desecrated in Louisville, KY, following the tearing down of another statue of St. Junipero Serra in San Francisco, CA on Columbus Day, Oct. 13th, the destruction of the Sacred Heart of Jesus statue at St. Patrick's Cathedral in El Paso on Sept. 14th, two Church burnings in July, and dozens of attacks on Catholic faithful, statues, murals, shrines, and Churches over the Summer and Fall.

The incident happened Sunday night at St. Martin of Tours Catholic Church, which is well known for its Perpetual Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and celebration of the Tridentine Mass, or Traditional Latin Mass.

"I thank and praise Father Paul for his strong pastoral leadership, and I am grateful to Saint Martin's security guard and to the Louisville Metro Police Department for their prompt response. I offer my prayers for healing for the parish and for the offender," Archbishop Joseph Kurtz said in a statement.

Father Paul Beach, the pastor of St. Martin of Tours, addressed the parish with a letter on the vandalism and desecration of the altar and Church:

Dear Parishioners,

I regret to inform you of an incident that occurred in the church late in the evening of Sunday, October 25th. A man who appeared to be experiencing the effects of drug intoxication entered the sanctuary of the church and, before being subdued, did considerable damage to the main altar. I want to commend our security guard David, who was on duty that evening, for his outstanding response and prompt action. The police responded quickly and in sufficient numbers to subdue this individual without further harm being done. I am grateful for their commendable call to duty. While a considerable amount of damage was done to the main altar very quickly, it is certain that things would have been worse if all concerned had not handled the situation as professionally as they did. I am glad to report that the tabernacle was not disturbed and the reliquaries of our beloved saints are completely intact.

The first thing I ask of you is to pray for this poor soul who committed these acts, who is so obviously troubled. He is currently in police custody and will be prosecuted for his crimes. In Christian charity we ought to pray for him.

In the end, there is nothing harmed that cannot be repaired or replaced. This will take time, however. I have been in touch with Archbishop Kurtz, as well as our insurance agent, and we will be working closely together to restore everything to normal as quickly as possible. We take great pride in the fact that our church is open 24-7 as a place of peace and prayer in a world that certainly seems to need them more and more. While these events are certainly regrettable, know that we continue to take all prudent and reasonable precautions to avoid such situations, and our commitment to being a haven of peaceful prayer is undiminished.

Entrusting us all to the intercession of our patron St. Martin, and to St.s Magnus & Bonosa, I remain,

Sincerely in Christ,

Fr. Paul Beach, Pastor

Interactive Map of Attacks on Catholics (Complicit Clergy)

Complicit Clergy has managed an interactive map that illustrates the many anti-Catholic attacks across the United States in 2020.

Attacks have been fueled by the growing hateful and intolerant rhetoric against Western history and culture, Christianity, Catholic values and virtues, and Church teachings. Anarchists, ethno-socialists, and Marxists added fuel the kindling; and, that kindling was the economic disparity caused by COVID-19 shutdowns and the social unrest followed the murder of George Floyd.

The Catholic Church has been singled out, and will always be singled out by marxists and other enemies of the Church, for being the only representation of Divine Order and Truth. The "children of darkness," as coined by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, consumed in their heresies of freemasonry, liberalism, americanism, and modernism, reject and oppose all Divine Order and any substance in society that imitates or reflects the Light therein.

Archbishop Viganò is correct, there is a war between "the children of light and the children of darkness." Although this dynamic has existed since Genesis, the battle has intensified both spiritually and temporally since the vision of Pope Leo XIII in 1884, where His Holiness witnessed a conversation between God and Satan. According to the Pope's accounts, which are similar to the story of Job in the Old Testament, Satan requested "for the 100 years he needed in order to destroy the Catholic Church, [and] God reportedly granted Satan’s request." In the last century, as modernism (defined as "the synthesis of all heresies" by Pope Pius X in Pascendi dominici gregis) has run rampant within the Church and secular society, we have witnessed what the world becomes when a Church has neutered itself of all pastoral power and responsibility and when God is removed from the public square.

This violent incident in Louisville, KY, is only a sabotage in a long war, one that will continue if President Trump is reelected to the White House and after his administration. The enemy is diabolical and only by the Grace of Almighty God can they be conquered and vanquished.

Several Governors and Mayors have met with task forces, National Guard commanders, City Police Chiefs, and County Sheriffs to discuss to counter post election violence, protecting public safety and private property. American's are highly concerned with rising violence in urban areas and the disinformation about the nature of protests and the complete disregard for the rule of law and protection of life and private property. Inauguration Day in January 2017 was met with violence in Washington, D.C. and the coming months will be far worse.

Continue to pray the Holy Rosary daily, asking Our Lady to intercede for us and for all of the angels and saints to pray with us through the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus, to quell social tension, for a swift end to the COVID-19 pandemic, and for a good outcome in the 2020 General Election.

In Christ Crucified and the Most Victorious Heart of Jesus.


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