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A Prayer to unite your actions to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

Alexandra Clark | The Daily Knight

Pious Reflection of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass (Virgo Sacrata)

Prayer by St. John Eudes to unite your actions to that of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass:

Oh Jesus, most worthy of love, I praise and thank Thee countless times. I summon all the angels, all the saints and creatures to bless and glorify Thee with me, for all the graces Thou hast given me by this Divine Sacrifice.

May it please Thee to preserve and multiply in my soul all the holy desires, thoughts, affections and sentiments which Thou has implanted in my soul during this Holy Mass, and to give me the grace to bring forth the fruit Thou does expect of me.

Thou hast lowered Thyself to become present to me in this holy mystery. Grant I beseech Thee that during this day I may not let one hour go by without lifting up my heart and becoming present to Thee in spirit.

Thou didst descend to this altar to take possession of our hearts and to receive from us the homage we owe to Thee our Sovereign Lord. Then take possession of my heart, Good Jesus; consecrated to thee forever. I recognize and adore thee as my King and Sovereign Lord. I render homage with my being, my life and all my acts, especially those I shall perform today. Take them and do with them whatever pleases Thee.

Give me the grace to die rather than to offend Thee, and to be a host at the same time living and dead to all that is not Thee, living in Thee and for Thee. May my whole life be perpetual sacrifice of praise and love for Thee, and may I be utterly immolated and consumed for Thy pure glory and for Thy holy love. To this end I implore Thee with my whole heart, oh Good Jesus, to give me Thy most holy blessing. Amen.

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