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Defeat Porn with Covenant Eyes

Justin Haggerty | The Daily Knight

Justin Haggerty | The Daily Knight

Join over a million people who’ve used Covenant Eyes to prevent and defeat porn.

(Photo Cred: UChicago News)

Porn Changes Your Brain (Opens the Door to More Temptations)

Viewing porn releases powerful, mood-altering chemicals that literally rewire your mind, until you crave it more than authentic human connection.

Porn Creates Shame, Shame Fuels Porn Use (Demonic Manipulated Guilt)

Shame is the feeling that we are flawed and unworthy to love. Using porn creates shame, which isolates us and we return to porn to cope. This is called the shame cycle, which is demonically manipulated.

Screen Accountability (Avoid Near Occasion to Sin)

We are all called to pick up and carry our cross, fighting our temptations. Knowing our weaknesses, men must avoid the near occasion of sin. Software can help us steer clear from tempting content.

Human Connection Neutralizes Shame (Fraternity and Accountability)

In addition to avoiding the near occasion of sin, connecting with a trusted friend is the key to breaking the cycle. When we are no longer isolated, we learn that human connection meets our needs in a way that porn never can.

How does Covenant Eyes work? Click Here

- Covenant Eyes regularly capture screenshots of your devices.

- The app uses advanced artificial intelligence to detect sexual images. - Any screenshots that the app thinks may be concerning are highlighted in a report to your partner (ally) for accountability. - In addition to concerning “Screenshots to Review,” Covenant Eyes will provide a random sampling of “Other Screenshots” for context. - All screenshots are blurred to protect privacy. Suspected sexual content is highly blurred. - Known pornography is automatically blocked, and safe search is locked on major search engines. You can also insert URLs to be blocked, which can only be overridden with approval by your ally.


"Knowing my wife and an accountability partner would receive a report of my activity is enough to help me bypass temptation on the internet." ~ Philip, Covenant Eyes user of 2 Years

"Covenant Eyes gave me the first steps I needed to get clean. I have now been clean for 4 years, am recently married, and have a deeper connection with God." ~ Luke, Covenant Eyes user of 4 years

"I tried everything to be healed but only one thing worked: ACCOUNTABILITY. I have been healed for more than 3 years now." ~ Yann, Covenant Eyes user of 3 years

"I have achieved freedom. Covenant Eyes has helped me in so many ways that now I have a few guys under my account who I help to overcome this issue." ~ Sam, Covenant Eyes user

"It's easier to get your head, and heart straight when you walk in the light. Covenant Eyes helps you walk in freedom from the garbage the internet can send you toward." ~ Covenant Eyes user

Sign up for and download Covenant Eyes today! Talk to a friend or spouse for support.

Spiritual Reinforcement

Strengthen Covenant Eyes with a spiritually fruitful prayer life and strong fasting schedule to curb concupiscence. A penitent life, supported by the Lord's graces, can conquer temptation and grow in virtue.

In Christ Crucified and the Most Victorious Heart of Jesus.



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