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Carmelite Plea for Help in this Time of Crisis

Alexandra Clark | The Daily Knight

Ave Maria!

Dear Faithful Friends,

I ask you prayerfully to take just two minutes to read this letter. In a moment you’ll see why it’s so important — and how we can help in this time of crisis within and without the Church.

     There is so much at stake today with the world in shambles and so many souls being lost into the eternal abyss.  Governments are trying to eradicate religion.  Schools are indoctrinating youngsters to believe what is bad is good, and what is good is evil. The sacrament of marriage is abused and same-sex unions are being promoted.  Children are murdered by the millions by their very own mothers and the taxpayer is forced to assist in their execution.  The foundations of family life are shaking and falling into utter moral bankruptcy. And now we have the China Virus (COVID-19) that is having worldwide effects. No civilization can survive this way.  

       Amidst all this, the Catholic Church also finds herself in an internal crisis, unable to assist in the salvation of souls in her fullest capacity.  A sickness plagues her very existence and has left the priesthood in shambles and our monasteries and convents empty.  The virus of sin is being fed while the life of virtue is mocked and persecuted. From liturgical abuses to horrific sacrileges of Our Lord in the Most Blessed Sacrament: What could possibly be worse?

    Every day I hear souls crying out for help.  Help to save their Country, help to save their family, and most of all, help to save their souls.  Yet what can one person do?  How can I help stop the government from persecuting religion, end the slaughter of abortion and preserve the sanctity of Holy Matrimony?  

    We must go to God for help.  We need people who will pray every hour of every day to God so that He might accomplish these things for the sake of the salvation of souls.  Without this type of prayer our labors for God and country will be futile. Yet, who has time for that kind of prayer in this busy world? Who has even 15 minutes to set aside every day to ask God for his help? 

     The Church has always relied on the prayers of the religious in monasteries and convents.  These religious pray to God day in and day out, even in the middle of the night, for the salvation of souls and the greater glory of God.  When Our Lady of Good Success appeared in Ecuador in the 16th century, she told us that "If there were no religious offering prayers for the faithful, then how would they become holy?" To put it another way, if only the holy enter the Kingdom of Heaven, is it not critical that the Church have a vibrant presence of religious devoted to a life of prayer?

   However, with the monasteries and convents empty and dying off, who is asking God for during this time of crisis?  Who is doing this vital vocational praying?  Praying ardently for souls? Through there are few, there are still some good nuns aiming to do just this: PRAY and SACRIFICE for the SALVATION and SANCTIFICATION of SOULS!

In times of crisis, a family comes together. Let us not forget that we are a family. We are One Body in Christ Who is our Head. Let us in perfect charity help one another in getting to Heaven and Saving souls!

There are many particular cases we can get involved with to help build and support the Body of Christ. This week I got a message from a good Irish Carmelite Nun looking for help to get a house to stay out after they were kicked out of their beautifully set up hermitage of shed-homes. If you can even just send $10 dollars that would help so much. Every little bit we do helps and it is a great way to accomplish a Corporeal Work of Mercy: Sheltering the homeless.

If we want to save our country, put an end to the evils of abortion, preserve traditional marriage and the family, and most of all, save our souls, then we must get involved and step up to the plate to help.

Pope St. Gregory the Great said: "The proof of love is in the works. Where love exists, it works great things. But when it ceases to act, it ceases to exist."

See here the latest plea for help of these good Carmelite Nuns' GoFundMe page.

Dear Friends and Benefactors,

We wish once again to thank each and every one of you for your most generous contribution towards our needs. We are praying for each of you and your loved ones during these difficult times.

Last week we traveled to the north of County Cork to view some affordable properties. We believe Saint Joseph may have found a suitable house for us. It is not large, but is located in a quiet country road. At present only the back of the house with one bedroom, living room and kitchen is livable. Please, we are just short of the purchase mark by €30,000. We dare not put down a deposit until we can be certain we have sufficient funds to complete the purchase. The builder, is ready to complete the house according to our needs with an Oratory, community room, guest room, library, chapter room, etc.

Please, we ask you to help us raise this money, either by donations or by an interest free loan. In the latter option we trust in St Joseph to help us repay it, hopefully within a year. As we viewed this property for the first time on the last day of our novena to St Joseph, we believe this may be his answer to our prayers and in gratitude we have promised to name it St Joseph's.

See here the latest plea for help of these good Carmelite Nuns' GoFundMe page.

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