Christian Genocide in Nigeria
Is Nigeria's president complacent or complicit with Muslims slaughtering Christians?
Nigerian bishops are warning of genocide threatening their country.
Referencing the 1994 genocide in Rwanda that claimed almost a million lives, in June, Bp. William Amove Avenya of Gboko pleaded for help:
"Please don't make the same mistake as was made with the genocide in Rwanda. It happened under our noses, but no one stopped it. And we know well how that ended."
As many as 20,000 Nigerians, mostly Christians, have been butchered, burned alive or mown down with machine guns by Muslim Fulani tribesmen aided by terrorist groups like Boko Haram.
Similar to Rwanda where government officials supported the slaughter of rival clansmen, Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari, himself a Fulani tribesman, is coming under increasing scrutiny by Nigerian bishops for turning a blind eye to the violence.
In a press statement last month, the Nigerian bishops said, "If the President cannot keep our country safe, then He should no longer continue to preside over the killing fields and mass graveyard that our country has become."
President Buhari has downplayed the violence but Bp. Avenya notes Fulani tribesmen are no longer armed with sticks and knives but with expensive guns:
"Our faithful are being murdered. ... Don't do as you did in Rwanda; don't wait for the genocide to happen before intervening."
The bishops are asking the West to step in and help their Christian brothers being murdered at the hands of Muslim militants.
Original article at Church Militant, here.