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  • Justin Haggerty | The Daily Knight

West Point forces unvaccinated Cadets to live in tents

Justin Haggerty | The Daily Knight

West Point Graduation Parade (Raw Story)

As the U.S. Military is purging itself of conservatives, patriots, white males, and Christians, West Point has come under fire for forcing unvaccinated Cadets to live outside the barracks in tents. Segregating and cramming Cadets into tents for refusing to take the dangerous and immoral COVID-19 vaccine, is no shock when multiple U.S. Congressmen in April addressed the issue that Critical Race Theory was being taught at the academy, and retired Col. Douglas Macgregor, West Point Board of Visitors, publicly exposed the Usurper Biden Administration "grand plan" to replace Army Officers and Commanders of European ancestry. And, don't forget about the Superintendent's baseless investigation into 'white supremacy.'

As a West Point graduate, Class of 2014, I can confirm that the United States Military Academy has been infiltrated and politically corrupted for some time. In fact, I was shocked to see the public opinions of my classmates, including members of the classes ahead and behind me, showing favor to communism and socialism. These are Captains and Majors in the U.S. Army, giving their endorsements to the violent attacks of Antifa and BLM and the 2020 communist coup of our Republic. The military leadership is divided across ideological lines.

West Point's attack on unvaccinated Cadets is not new to the U.S. Army, making it clear to be a directive from the Secretary of the Army. Fort Campbell Commander, Maj. Gen. JP McGee, imposed restrictions on unvaccinated soldiers of the 101st Airborne Division, removing passes and leave, and making soldiers non-deployable.

According to the parents of multiple Cadets, they were removed from their summer training barracks and crammed into tents. These Cadets are expected to receive these conditions for the duration of summer training.

The Cadets have also been abused verbally and unprofessionally by medical staff, including the medical officer Col. Laura Dawson, who allegedly accused the Cadets of being “grandma killers” and “science deniers" for refusing to receive the vaccines.

Parents of Army cadets at the U.S. Military Academy (USMA) report the academy’s leadership is forcing 37 unvaccinated cadets to live in a tent designed for 20 people during the academy’s June and July Cadet Field Training program.

Cadet Field Training is a summer training requirement in which selected Firsties (seniors) and Cows (juniors) lead Yearlings (sophomores) in small-unit tactical operations.

Vaccinated cadets will live in open-bay barracks by platoons, with a small separate section for female cadets. The barracks have electricity for fans during the hot summer months in New York, and separate male and female latrines and showers.

Unvaccinated cadets now live in a mixed-rank coed tent.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) prohibits any entity or employer from mandating an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) product, which includes all COVID vaccines being administered in the U.S. The law applies to the military, unless it is granted a presidential waiver.

In the case of COVID mRNA vaccines, the U.S. Department of Defense’s (DOD) Inspector General newsletter has publicly upheld this longstanding FDA policy — which means West Point is violating federal law by enacting a de facto mandate.

West Point leadership has a duty to uphold federal law. Furthermore, the Nuremberg Code enumerated in detail that medical interventions cannot be coerced, and that doctors must offer treatment alternatives, with established safety and efficacy, to any experimental drug.

Military vaccine exemption policy accepts proof of natural immunity from prior infection in lieu of vaccination. Overall, only 139 of 4,000 cadets in the corps have not been vaccinated, according to documents obtained by Military Freedom Keepers. And herd immunity has been achieved at 97%, far exceeding the recommended >60% naturally acquired immunity in populations to protect the elderly and infants.

West Point’s departure from science-based health policy raises questions about ethics. Will healthy unvaccinated cadets live in tents in the winter? Will officers and enlisted personnel also be removed from housing to live in tents — or does this discriminatory segregation policy apply only to cadets?

According to the latest policy, unvaccinated cadets must also wear masks, which could undermine cohesion in the ranks. It would be illegal to require service members with other infectious diseases to add an additional item to their uniforms that would single them out on the basis of a medical issue.

One officer at West Point, who did not want to be named, described how he was aggressively counseled on his supervisor’s intent to be merciless about reprimanding any mask-wearing violations.

The unvaccinated officer also must keep his office door closed, despite everyone else in his department being vaccinated. And he was required to physically enter the vaccination site on post and sign a DOD refusal form.

In Christ Crucified and the Most Victorious Heart of Jesus.

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