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The Daily Knight

Traditional Catholic prayer to St. Patrick

The Daily Knight

To Saint Patrick

Saint Patrick (c. 385-461) was born in some unknown town of Roman Britain. At sixteen he was captured by Irish raiders and sold as a slave in Ireland. Wordly and irresponsible before, he found God during the six years of his exile. He returned to Ireland in 432 as a bishop. In his labors of some thirty years he had the consolation of seeing a pagan country become largely Christian.

"O blessed Apostle of Ireland, glorious Saint Patrick, who didst convert the land of my forefathers, many long centuries ago! Receive my prayers and accept the sentiments of gratitude and veneration, with which my heart is filled toward thee. In God's sweet providence, thou wast for me the channel of many great graces. Deign, also, to become the channel of my heartfelt thanksgiving to God for having granted to me through thee the precious gift of faith which is dearer to me than life.

O most blessed patron of the Isle of Saints! Do not, I beseech thee, despise my weakness. Remember that the cries of the little children were the mysterious invitation that called thee thither. Listen, then, to my most humble supplications. I unite them to the praises and blessings, with which thy name will ever be spoken by all thy children. I unite them, especially, to the prayers of the multitude of our ancestors who now enjoy eternal bliss and owed their salvation, under God, to thy zeal and charity. They will for ever share thy glory because they listened to thy word and followed thy example.

May I always be worthy of the saints from whom I descend. May I begin from this moment to love God ever more with all my heart and serve Him with all my strength. For this end, I most humbly beg thy blessing, O great Saint Patrick, and thy particular intercession, most necessary for me. Amen. ~ The Prayer Book, Catholic Press, 1954

In Christ Crucified and the Most Victorious Heart of Jesus.

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