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St. Faustina’s Mysterious Torments on Jorge Bergoglio’s Birthday
David Martin | The Daily Knight
Though it is not generally known, St. Faustina—known for her role in establishing the devotion to the Divine Mercy—penned an unusual entry into her diary on December 17, 1936. Entry 823 reads as follows.
"I have offered this day for priests. I have suffered more today than ever before, both interiorly and exteriorly. I did not know it was possible to suffer so much in one day. I tried to make a Holy Hour, in the course of which my spirit had a taste of the bitterness of the Garden of Gethsemane. I am fighting alone, supported by His arm, against all the difficulties that face me like unassailable walls. But I trust in the power of His name and I fear nothing."
— Diary of St. Faustina, 823
Note that Faustina that day was making reparation for priests, an offering that brought upon her the worst suffering she had ever endured. But too, on that bitter day of December 17, 1936, was born Jorge Mario Bergoglio, who would later reign as Pope Francis, the 266th pontiff of the Roman Catholic Church.
Could it be that Faustina that day was atoning for the many priests, bishops, and cardinals of the future who would be misled by Francis? And too, could it be that her mysterious torment signaled the arrival of a future “pope” who would destroy the Faith in the name of “mercy?” From the day Francis was raised to the pontificate he hasn’t ceased to exploit the name of mercy for political reasons so was St. Faustina cringing with pain that her cause of Divine Mercy would be turned into a laughing stock by a pontifical clown?
The Faith Denied
There is no denying that the pontificate of Pope Francis has been a debacle of unprecedented proportions that has scandalized millions throughout the world. Need we cite his idolatry, his denial of Christ’s miracles, his denial of eternal hell, his suppression of the Traditional Latin Mass, his betrayal of the underground Church in China, his endorsement of homosexuality, his praise of LGBT priest Fr. James Martin, his blessing of “transgenders,” his blessing of adultery, his declaration that the commandments are “not absolutes,” his declaration that “all are redeemed,” his praise of Martin Luther, his support of Black Lives Matter, his praise of Communists, his praise of abortionist Emma Bonino, his rewarding of abortion activist Lillian Ploumen, his collusion with U.N. abortion advocates, his dismantling of John Paul II’s Pontifical Academy for Life, and now his mandating of the COVID vaccine for all Vatican personnel? And all done in the name of Mercy?
“A Non-Catholic Pope”
In a statement on July 28th, 2021, Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano spoke of Pope Francis’ failing pontificate, saying, “We have come to the point that even simple people with little knowledge of doctrinal issues understand that we have a non-Catholic pope, at least in the strict sense of the term.” He said that Francis’ apostasy “poses some problems of a canonical nature.”
No Accident
It’s certainly no accident that St. Faustina underwent her mysterious torment for the Church on the day Bergoglio (now Francis) was born. December 17, 1936, must have struck a chord of misery in Heaven that Faustina was allowed to share in for on that day was born a future prelate who would advance the ruin of the Church under the pretext of mercy.
St. Francis’ Prophecy
We shouldn’t rule out that December 17, 1936, was the natal day of the “destroyer” prophesied by St. Francis of Assisi in the 13th century. Before his death in 1226, St. Francis called together the friars of his Order and detailed a prophecy of what was to come in the latter days concerning a future pope. The following is taken from Works of the Seraphic Father St. Francis of Assisi, R. Washbourne Publishing House, 1882, pp. 248-250, with imprimatur by His Excellency William Bernard, Bishop of Birmingham. The source of this prophecy is the Writings of St. Francis (1623) by Fr. Luke Wadding, preeminent historian and scholar on St. Francis of Assisi.
"At the time of this tribulation, a man, not canonically elected, will be raised to the Pontificate, who, by his cunning, will endeavor to draw many into error.... Some preachers will keep silence about the truth, and others will trample it under foot and deny it. Sanctity of life will be held in derision even by those who outwardly profess it, for in those days Jesus Christ will send them not a true pastor, but a destroyer.”