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SILENCED Priest speaks out on the Traditional Latin Mass

Knights Repulbic

In the devastating wake of Pope Francis' Motu Proprio, Traditionis Custodes" this silenced priest, Father Samuel Waters, answered questions last week for our project on "Mass Conversions." These questions can really help in the discernment of what can be done or should be done regarding the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and the Holy Faith. Father Waters is part of a Pius Union which could be a very good option in these times.

See below the questions we discuss to help save souls and hear the great advice he gives to priests during these chaotic times in the Holy Mother Church.

Some of the questions that are discussed in the interview are the following:

1. You were ordained in PA at a diocesan seminary in the 80s. How long were you offering the Novus Ordo before you came to Tradition?

2. What drew you to Tradition?

3. When was the first time you experienced the Traditional Latin Mass?

4. What would you describe happened after you offered your first Traditional Mass?

5. What would you say is the biggest difference you noticed, and that affected you & your soul between the Novus ordo world & that of Tradition?

6. How is the prayer life in Tradition in comparison to what was before in the Novus Ordo?

7. What would you say to a priest who loves the Traditional Mass but is stuck currently saying the Novus Ordo in most parishes?

8. What would you encourage priest to do more of today!

9. What would you say are some lessons you learned along the way that you wish to pass on to fellow priests?

10. You are Pastor of Sts. Peter & Paul which is a Pius Union. Can you explain a little about what a pius union is?

12. In your opinion as an Independent priest, how can priests do the right thing in today's chaos?

🙏Please offer a prayer for Father Samuel Waters and all novus ordo/traditional priests who are seeking to save souls and offer the Traditional Latin Mass.

👉Subscribe to our channel to see the next episode in the Mass Conversions Project.

In the Immaculata and the Victorious Heart of Jesus,


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