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She Shall Crush Thy Head


David Martin | The Daily Knight

In the 1 Mystical City of God by Venerable Mary of Agreda, we read how God showed the ancient serpent a vision of the Virgin Mary in heaven to instill in him a horrid dread of the woman who would later crush his head.  

The third chapter of Genesis is an account of the serpent’s attack on Eve and how it brought upon him this punishment of having to lie in wait for the woman’s heel.

Because thou hast done this thing, thou art cursed among all cattle, and beasts of the earth: upon thy breast shalt thou go, and earth shalt thou eat all the days of thy life. I will put 2 enmities between thee and the woman, and thy seed and her seed: she shall crush thy head, and thou shalt lie in wait for her heel.”  (Genesis 3:15)          

The woman who crushes the serpent’s head is not Eve but rather the Second Eve, Mary, who reversed the curse of the first Eve by her obedience to God. This is providentially seen by the fact that Ave is Eva spelled backwards.

The saints and doctors of the Church affirm that it is the Blessed Virgin Mary who crushes the head of satan. In the long St. Michael Exorcism penned under inspiration by His Holiness Pope Leo XIII, this very point is made.

“The Glorious Mother of God, the Virgin Mary, commands you; She who by Her humility and from the first moment of Her Immaculate Conception, crushed your proud head.”

From the first instance of Mary’s Immaculate Conception she has exerted crushing power over satan. Her FIAT reversed the curse of Eve and provided a worthy vessel of honor wherewith to channel the Messiah into the world. He in turn established his Church and provided mankind with the opportunity for baptism into the Faith whereby we could escape satan’s grasp and be brought to the shores of everlasting life. By this alone the devil suffered a terrible setback.

Genesis 3:15 Points to the Last Days

But there is more to it than that. This crushing role of Mary refers more specifically to that time in the latter days when she would lift up her heel in a final dramatic move to obliterate the forces of evil from our world. Her crushing heel in Genesis refers to the very days in which we are living when she is gathering up her little armies throughout the world to assist her final triumph over satan.

Now if Mary alone were to subdue the power of satan, which she indeed can do, this in itself would render the serpent a crushing blow since a woman will have triumphed over he who thought himself to be God. This alone would flatten his pride.

But if Mary gathers up her little children with the bid that they go forward and defeat Antichrist through her Rosary, now the devil is getting a real dose of his own medicine. For he who had the dare to challenge Almighty God in the beginning is now challenged by the little ones (her seed) from whom he demands respect, the irony being that the little ones prevail over satan while he is a failure from the beginning. Mary’s children triumph over the serpent with the final crushing blow of this victory approaching.

It is the anticipation of this crushing defeat that has brought the dreadful pangs of horror upon the devil throughout the ages. It is truly the armies of Heaven led by the Blessed Virgin that will vanquish the head of the serpent.

For those of these distressing times who find themselves confused and anguished with the spiritual wind knocked out of them, it is time that they enlist in Mary’s army. Their weapon will be the Rosary. In this shall their victory lie.


1. A spiritual masterpiece that brings to light the divine mystery and life of the Virgin Mother of God and shows forth her grandeur and the exalted role that she was given to crush the head of satan. It is for reason that this four-volume set has elicited the praise and endorsement of popes, bishops, and theologians of the past five centuries.

2. Note that there are no enmities between the serpent and Eve so obviously the scripture is speaking of 'another' woman.



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