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Pandemic Treaty a Tool to Place Nations Under U.N. Dominion
David Martin | The Daily Knight
Perhaps the most dangerous agency of the United Nations is the World Health Organization (WHO), which serves as a right arm of the U.N. to impose corruption and population control on countries.
However, it is important to remember that the WHO is a mere private interest group (NGO) with no authority and to which no country is bound, unless of course these countries bind themselves with their signature.
In December 2021, 194 WHO member states agreed to begin negotiations on a global pandemic treaty for the purported reason of preventing pandemics. The plan right now is to enact the International Treaty on Pandemic prevention this May 2024, which would give the WHO the authority to monitor and control countries under the pretext of promoting public health and safety. It would empower the agency to dictate policy and to impose penalties on countries that fail to comply with these policies.
An Effective Tool for Antilife
More specifically, the treaty would empower the WHO to impose population control in its various forms of abortion, euthanasia, abortifacients, and contraception, as well as to impose vaccines that bring on infertility, miscarriages, dementia, strokes, and heart failure. The treaty is all about spreading social and biological plagues under the guise of fighting them and would mandate policies that promote homosexuality and transgenderism even in grade schools.
Any country that signs the Pandemic Treaty would give the WHO power to surveil its activities and to impose restrictions for not complying with their policies. If the agency “finds” there is a growing “pandemic” in that country, restrictions would likewise apply. Those with runny noses or colds will be tagged as “suspects” against the common good.
The U.N. plan from the beginning is to get the nations to relinquish their sovereignty and subject themselves to U.N. jurisdiction and the signing of the Pandemic Treaty is a trick to get countries to do just that. It is a key part of their plan to begin placing the world under U.N. control.
Expanded Definition of Pandemic
Once the treaty is signed and put in action, they will proceed to expand the definition of “pandemic” to include the effects of “climate change” and the spread of Christian morals that impede the advance of globalism. Pro-life and pro-family values would now be dubbed mental illnesses or plagues that pose a threat to society.
With the WHO empowered by this treaty, it would then proceed to impose restrictions and lockdowns in any country where they see the spread of these Christian attitudes or where they deem that man’s abuse of the planet has brought about excessive climate change. Reports of rising covid cases would be exploited to intensify these restrictions.
Naturally, most claims of spreading viruses would be fabricated to provide globalists with an excuse to clamp down on liberty. As with the previous ‘trial balloon’ pandemic, falsifying of records and fake reporting of “rising covid cases” would enhance this tyrannical plan against freedom.
Nuclear Fallout Could also be Defined a Pandemic
We shouldn’t rule out that if Vladimir Putin detonates one of his nuclear bombs the WHO could seize upon the opportunity to impose an international curfew or lockdown to keep ‘peace and order’ in the face of the ensuing terror. Not to mention that the fallout from the blast could be declared a ‘nuclear pandemic’ that also warrants a “stay home” order. Putin works with the U.N. so the use of a Russian nuke could very well be part of this internationalist plot to lock down on liberty.
The United Nations today is laboring around the clock for the destruction of humanity. Should a nuclear disaster or any disaster be used to place humanity under U.N. lockdown the enemy will have succeeded in subduing the nations under U.N. domination.
The worst of it is that the faithless and the fear-ridden will all too easily accept dictatorial ultimatums that promise protection from a pandemic. The media has managed to instill such fear and paranoia in people that they’ll do anything to be rescued from their fears. The words of Nikita Khrushchev concerning America apply: “We spit in America’s face and they call it dew.” The WHO will spit in America’s face and many will call it dew.
Christian charity commands that we spread the word far and wide that the Pandemic Treaty must be rejected everywhere. Leaders of free countries should agree with one mind to not endorse this treaty lest they sign away their liberty.