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Heeding Marxist Propaganda is what Strengthens the Enemy Plan Against America


David Martin | The Daily Knight

Communism is an intrinsically evil force that seeks to raise the clenched fist against God and moral authority that it might attain world control. It seeks to make itself a god in the eyes of mankind, which springs from the envy of the devil who is always trying to compete with God. Such rebellion renders the agents of Communism slaves of error operating under the illusion of strength.

But there are those who think that Marxism is an unmatched force that confers uncontestable powers on radical progressivists in their attempts to control the world.

Sir Roger Scruton said:

“Marxism owes its remarkable power to survive every criticism to the fact that it is not a truth-directed but a power-directed system of thought.”

In this Scruton errs. Truth stands above hellish powers and would easily enfeeble Marxism if people simply ignored it and upheld the truth. Marxism would have no power to survive if people simply resisted and exposed it.

Our Surrender Empowers Communism

Marxism in and of itself is no power but derives its power from our surrender to its deceptions. For example, the West took the lure, bait, line, and sinker, when the Soviets in 1991 spread the ridiculous lie that Communist Russia had collapsed. Like drunkards, people everyone were crying “peace and security,” which enabled Russia to put America to sleep, to reduce our armaments, and to build their arsenal to the nuclear monstrosity it has become today.

The communist control of the media is a key part of Russia’s ammunition to deceive the West but their power is brought to nothing if we simply ignore them. Communists feed off our cowardly surrender to their propaganda just as Hitler fed off the Nazis’ praise of his rhetoric.  Without heeding their media brainwashing the communists go into a fit of frustration, which is no strength. Without our nod to their lies, they are powerless, but by nodding we become useful idiots to embolden them.

To cripple their strength, we must first know they are there and must know what they are trying to put into our heads. They would have us think that God is a myth and that casting Him aside is what liberates and strengthens us.  

Communist Media Propaganda

Through the media that they control, the communists decades ago began tempting the populace to raise the clenched fist against God and country, harping on women’s rights, abortion rights, gay rights, crying liberation and equality, and drumming in the theme of discrimination against minorities, to the end that many a good American hit the campuses with shouts of “change,” “revolution,” “women’s rights,” and “equality.” And the only reason they did this was because the communists instigated them to do this, whereby they became 1 useful idiots to assist the reds in tearing down our country.

Communism Entered the Church

But it didn’t end there. The communist clenched fist was applied in an ecclesial context by promoting the empowerment of the laity, to the end that we see women and laity today bossing the priests and assuming their functions as lay Eucharistic ministers, lectors, and “liturgical planners.” Reformed Communist Party leader Bella Dodd revealed how she had placed over 1100 communist agents into the seminaries in the 40s to begin fomenting this revolution in the Church – a revolt that was kicked into play at Vatican II.

With the media today now controlled by the Globalist-Marxist cabal, Christians have a duty to close their ears to all the rebellious overtures being sent their way, whether in the Church or in the secular arena. Whether it’s the Vatican pushing for ecumenism, LGBT inclusion, and climate action, or the socialist deep-state pushing to open our borders to hostile revolutionaries, people are bound resist these communist errors lest Communism be empowered to control the Church and society.

Failure to Convert Russia Enabled the Spread of Communism

What initially gave rise to the Marxist war against the West was the Church’s failure to heed divine directives to stop the spread of Communism. In 1917, the Virgin at Fatima warned that if Russia wasn’t converted through the Rosary and the Consecration of Russia to her Immaculate Heart, this same Russia would grow into a tyrannical beast that would later emerge and turn on the Christian free world.

Her directions weren't heeded, and as such, Russia has now grown into the tyrannical Red Bear that is about to claw the nations. In 1986, Russia outnumbered the United States 6 to 1 in military strength. One can only imagine what that figure is today! We can't depend on communist-controlled columns and surveys to provide us with the real figures.

Our only hope right now is to prayerfully and boldly take on the communists in our government and to place into office the man who will trump them down.


1 It was in this manner that Lenin used the Proletariat to bring down the Czarist regime.  








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