Did the Third Secret Mention COVID and the Recent Volcanic Eruptions?
David Martin | The Daily Knight
The Late Fr. Malachi Martin (1921-1999)
We know from credible sources that the Third Secret of Fatima primarily concerned the great apostasy that would be precipitated by the satanic infiltration of the Church but from some of these same sources we can also infer that the Secret contained a few other tidbits as well. The testimony of the late Jesuit priest Fr. Malachi Martin seems to indicate that a recent playout of events in the news could have been foreshadowed in the Third Secret of Fatima.
The world in recent days has witnessed dire volcanic activity that many are calling Apocalyptic. There was the historic volcanic eruptions on the island of La Palma, Spain, that began on September 19, 2021, and continued for 86 days leaving in its wake a swath of destruction.
More recently the world was aghast at the earth-shattering undersea volcanic eruption in the South Pacific island kingdom of Tonga that wrought catastrophic damage throughout the country, leaving three of its islands devastated. The Jan. 15 eruption generated 50-ft. tsunami waves that completely destroyed the island of Mango and it sent large waves crashing onto the coast of New Zealand that left the coastal city of Patangata underwater.
4 ft. tsunami waves from the Tonga eruption also impacted the coast of California causing considerable damage to boats and beach front property. The Tonga explosion has been called “a once-in-a-millennium event.”
What is interesting is that the recent chain of volcanic activity occurs on the heels of the COVID pandemic. Though it’s called a “pandemic” it’s something we can live with, seeing that 99.6 of all people who contract COVID survive it.
The late Fr. Malachi Martin, acclaimed author and advisor to three popes who read the Third Secret of Fatima seemed to echo this point in a talk he delivered to a group in Detroit in 1989. From his discourse it appears that the above sequence of events might have been mentioned in the Third Secret.
Speaking on Pope John Paul II, Fr. Malachi said:
“He was in Germany in 1980, in Fulda - Fulda is a place where officials meet in Germany. In 1980 he was surrounded by Catholics, a special group of Catholics above the size of this room. I was there. And they said to him:
“Holy Father, have you read the Secret of Fatima?” He said, “Yes I have, I have read it twice.” And they said, “Will you tell us what’s in it?” He said, “No. I won’t.”…And they said, ”Is it bad? Are there terrible sufferings?” He said:
“Suppose I was to tell you that… most of the earth would be afflicted with an epidemic they couldn’t cure, but could live with… Suppose all these volcanos would erupt all together. What would you call that?”
He went on to tell the group that the “punishments” prophesied in the Third Secret could not be averted and that our only defense in the coming days was to say the Rosary each day. He said, “It’s the only protection you have.”
Can we infer from Fr. Malachi’s testimony that more of these elemental tragedies and disasters are on the way?