BREAKING: Jarring Details REVEALED From Pope Francis' New Pagan Mass
The Daily Knight
The horrors going on behind the scenes in the Catholic Church just took a dramatic turn for the worse: Pope Francis and his followers are now running full-tilt into the arms of polytheism, as demonstrated by their enthusiasm in establishing a new rite of the Mass rooted in paganism and the occult. In a shocking development, LifeSiteNews has obtained the full script of what is being hailed as ‘the Pachamama mass’ — and can now reveal the exact details of what the minions of ‘Mother Earth’ are plotting for Christ’s faithful followers.
Listen now as John-Henry Westen provides an initial breakdown of the plans for this new black rite, what it means for believers in the One True God, and how we can respond before irreparable damage is done to Holy Mother Church.
In Christ Crucified and the Most Victorious Heart of Jesus.
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