Act of Consecration of Russia
David Martin | The Daily Knight
In the wake of the Vatican's release of the fudged Prayer of Consecration that Catholic bishops have been asked to use for the March 25 Consecration of Russia and in light of reports that translators in different countries plan to alter the phrase "Queen of Heaven" with "earth of heaven" in the Consecration Prayer to place a globalist "Pachamama" spin on it, it seemed appropriate to produce an alternative prayer that bishops and clergy can use for the Act of Consecration. We humbly suggest they use the following or something like it.
March 25TH, 2022
Prostrate before Thy Throne of Grace, O Queen of Heaven and Mediatrix of all Grace, we remember and honor the requests Thou expressed during Thy apparitions at Fatima, Portugal, in 1917.
We acknowledge that the increasing wars and persecution against the Faith and that the present day revolt against the Faith evident especially by the ever increasing attacks on marriage and family have largely been generated by the errant nation of Russia, fulfilling Thy prophecy at Fatima that without the Consecration of Russia to Thy Immaculate Heart “she will spread her errors throughout the world, causing wars and persecutions of the Church. The good will be martyred; the Holy Father will have much to suffer; various nations will be annihilated.”
You first expressed your wish for the Consecration of Russia during your apparition at Fatima on July 13, 1917, when you told your servant Lucy dos Santos: “I shall come to ask for the consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart, and the Communion of reparation on the First Saturdays. If my requests are heeded, Russia will be converted, and there will be peace.”
You again appeared to Lucy on June 13, 1929, while at prayer in the convent chapel at Tuy, Spain, and told her: “The moment has come in which God asks the Holy Father to make, and to order that in union with him and at the same time, all the bishops of the world make the consecration of Russia to My Immaculate Heart, promising to convert it because of this day of prayer and worldwide reparation.”
To date and to the great anguish of Thee and Thy Divine Son, Thy request for the Consecration of Russia has not been heeded, a negligence that has now brought the world to the threshold of annihilation as Russia now assaults the Ukraine and threatens to inflict similar attacks on Europe and the West.
How shall we as Church repair for this? We humbly declare that the best reparation is to do what you asked at Fatima. Therefore, O Mother of Divine Grace, deign to accept this solemn act of reparation which we present to Thine Immaculate Heart so that, in union with Thy Divine Son, Thou mayest deign to grant to the world the peace that you so earnestly wish to grant.
Therefore, on this Feast of the Annunciation, we solemnly entrust and consecrate Russia, together with Ukraine, to Thine Immaculate Heart. We beseech Thee, in Thy clemency, to take this nation under Thy powerful protection, to make it Thy domain, and to make it a land of election and blessing that it might wonderfully assist its Creator in spreading the Apostolic Faith throughout the world. We beseech Thee to subdue this nation by neutralizing the infernal force of Communism that presently binds it, that it might become a new kingdom for Our Lord Jesus Christ, a new conquest under His sweet scepter. May Russia return from her former schism to the unity of the One Fold of the Eternal Shepherd, and thus submit to the Vicar of Thy Divine Son, that it may ardently proclaim the Kingship of Jesus Christ on earth.
Finally, we beg of Thee to accept this solemn Consecration of Russia and Ukraine to Thy Immaculate Heart so that wars may cease and the Era of Peace promised at Fatima may finally ensue.