- Alexandra Clark | The Daily Knight
Why and How to Attend the Traditional Latin Mass - Fr. Pillari
(Mass Conversions)
In the most recent segment from Mass Conversions, Father Pillari explains the four important things faithful Catholics should know and keep in mind concerning the Traditional Latin Mass. In particular, what the Tridentine Mass is and why/how we should attend it.
As the Mass of all times and all ages, the Tridentine Mass has been since the beginning and always will be. It is the Mass that draws the soul closer to God and through it salvation is obtained. Its solemn ceremonies and Sacred Traditions have been passed on from Christ to the Apostles and their successors.
The Traditional Mass is the silent sacrifice at the foot of the Cross on Calvary, where Our Blessed Mother stands in silent sorrow and yet in full active participation and communion with her Divine Son. We must learn to imitate her in every action, thought, word, and in deed. Please Pray everyday for Mass Conversions to the one True Holy Catholic and Apostolic Faith.
Youtube - Why and How to Attend the Traditional Latin Mass - Fr. Pillari
Also check out our past videos on our Mass Conversions series, in which we discuss Sacred Teachings and Doctrines of Holy Mother Church, and the Saints, Doctors, and Fathers of the Church. In particular, Mass Conversions takes a detailed look at how they LEARNED the Holy Mass, why they LOVED the Holy Mass, and how they LIVED the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.