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The Clouds Hang Thick o’er Israel's Camp

Alexandra Clark | The Daily Knight

Our Lady, the Holy Rosary, and the Battle of Lepanto (Pinterest)

Holy Rosary Hymn of Victory over sin and unbelief.

A forgotten hymn in honor of the victory and power of the Holy Rosary as Pope St. Pius V urged all Catholics to pray to defeat the Muslims' dark array at the Battle of Lepanto:

The clouds hang thick o'er Israel's camp As dawns the battle day,

Arise ! bright star of Dominic, And chase the gloom away :

And where the foemen fiercest press Thy radiance let us see ;

Shine o'er the banners of thy sons, And lead to victory.

The weapon which our father gave Each hand shall fearless wield :

Who bear our Lady's Rosary Need neith sword nor shield :

With dauntless faith the ranks they face Of error and of sin,

And, armed with those blest beads alone, The victory they win.

See o'er Lepanto's waters spread The Moslem's dark array :

A Voice to Christendom went forth, And gave the word to pray :

Jesus and Mary ! names of strength Invoked, and not in vain ;

They conquered in the hour of need, And conquer shall again.

As Pius then to Europe spake, So Leo speaks once more ;

The Rosary our weapon still, To wield in holy war :

Ave Maria ! from each tongue Shall rise the pleading word ;

Oh doubt not that the prayer of faith Will now, as then, be heard.

Taken from St. Dominic’s Hymn Book of 1885

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