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To the International Olympic Committee


David Martin | The Daily Knight

The world is rightfully aghast over your outrageous drag-queen parody of the Last Supper featuring a shamefully dressed woman representing Christ amidst LGBT drag queens representing His Apostles.


What possessed you to use the Olympics as a public platform to send this criminal assault on Christ across the world? Your fake apology of “inclusion” and "diversity" holds no water and is nothing more than an obstinate endorsement of your abominable act.


If you were so concerned with inclusion, why did you not include Christ and His Church in your “welcoming” ceremony? Or do you think that the Pharisees and Jews “included” Christ by fixing Him to the Cross?    


You say, “We don’t include him” but I say, “so much for your diversity.”

Your action most certainly was propelled by envy. What justifies this uncalled for attack on Christ who has given you everything you have? Your life, your country, and your every heartbeat come from Him. Is this how you thank him? It’s not even a question of offending His followers but of offending Him!

Be assured that from this day forward millions throughout the world will boycott the Olympics if you don't make an open and sincere apology for this vile act against God. But do you have the intestinal fortitude to do this? Can you admit that you hold Christ and His Church in contempt? I entreat you to accept the challenge. Never mind being sissies, learn to be men. 


If you feel you must resort to violence, why did you not consider launching an attack on the world's LGBT drag queens? At least they would deserve it, but launching an attack on Jesus Christ is as foolish and cowardly as you can get. It testifies to the diabolical depths to which you have descended.


The Bible says that “every mocker is an abomination to the Lord” (Proverbs 3:32), and your despicable, jeering stunt has rendered you abominable before God “who will examine your works, and search out your thoughts.” (Wisdom 6: 4) And what will you do “when the Lord shall begin to examine?” (Ecc. 2:17)


Come out of the darkness and man up. Make your confession and apologize for your shameful act, remembering that Christ will "render to every man according to his works." (Matt. 16:27)


David Martin

Our Lady's Workers of Southern California








Paulo Elliot
Paulo Elliot

I feel bad for the participants in this year's Olympics. The athletes have to be stigmatized just because a bigoted group wants to have their little fuss-fit at an event that has absolutely nothing to do with their satanic aberration.

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