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The Apparitions of Bayside Were set in Motion with the Assassination of Bobby Kennedy
David Martin | The Daily Knight
Many are not aware that the assassination of the late Bobby Kennedy, father of Robert F. Kennedy Jr, is what kicked into play what many believe will go down to be one of the great Marian apparitions of Church history.
To diverge a bit, it was during the years 1970-1995 that Christ and his Holy Mother appeared to the late seer Veronica of the Cross during outdoor Rosary Vigils in Bayside Queens, New York, and delivered to the world over 300 powerful and enlightening messages of prophecy that forewarn of the great and final events of our era that are about to transpire.
This whole episode of light opened June 5th, 1968, when Veronica responded to a radio appeal for prayers for Bobby, at which time she was suddenly prompted to invoke St. Theresa the Little Flower, a saint she had only heard of in her childhood. Moved with compassion for Bobby, she invoked her thus: “Oh, St. Theresa, if you could please intercede... Ask Jesus to help him.”
Almost immediately, Veronica was overcome by a heavy fragrance of roses coming toward her. “It was beautiful,” she said. “It wasn't as though I was smelling one flower—it was like walking through a flower shop!"
The phenomenon lasted only a few moments, after which she dismissed it not knowing what to make of it. However, the peculiar fragrance of roses presented itself again upon resuming her prayers later for Robert.
After his passing, the mysterious scent of roses came over her still again while viewing his funeral ceremonies on TV.
Later on August 6, 1968, St. Theresa appeared to Veronica in her home, at which time she infused herself into Veronica’s soul and for three days dictated to her sacred writings and poems.
Just prior to this St. Theresa had dictated the following poem to Veronica:
A Minor Miracle: Bobby and Theresa
A delicate petal scented by Heaven
Fell from her bower of roses,
As her hand led the way up the path on that day
That Bobby kissed Mary and Moses.
This communication from St. Theresa served as a preparation for Our Lady’s apparitions to Veronica that would commence at the sacred grounds on June 18, 1970.
Heaven’s Plan to Help Save America
It appears that the Kennedys have a special role in God’s plan to save America since the Bayside mission was set in motion with the assassination of Bobby Kennedy. Seemingly RFK Jr has come along to help complete the plan.
As we know, Robert Kennedy Jr. renounced the Democratic Party and bowed out of the presidential race and has now joined the Trump team to assist their cause of Making America Great Again. And a brilliant move it was that he nationally announced his support for Trump only a day after Kamala Harris had struggled for applause with her flimsy DNC speech on August 22. The media plan for August 23 was to place the spotlight on Kamala’s speech but Kennedy’s announced support for Trump took the coverage away from Kamala and placed the spotlight on himself and Trump. This was a major blow to the Kamala-Walz campaign.
Let us pray that RFK Jr. will continue to be a help to the Trump campaign, but let us also pray that he be spared from the curse that befell his father and uncle back in the 60s.
Assassination of a Prominent Figure
We recall again the prophetic vision given to Veronica on November 22, 1975, which was the 12th anniversary of JFK's assassination.
Veronica -- On the left side of the sky there is appearing a crescent, the sign of the crescent moon* ...Our Lady now is coming forward. She's dressed in a white gown, but She has about Her head a very dark covering. It's almost black. Our Lady says there will be an assassination of a very prominent figure.
Our Lady then broke in:
"This assassination will set your country in great jeopardy"
Many feel that this prophecy is in refence to Donald Trump, but who is to say that it doesn’t refer to another prominent figure of our time?
In any event, it’s important to remember that these prophecies are given to prompt prayerful action so that they don’t come to pass. This is the constructive purpose of prophecy. We’re reminded of how the prophet Jonas told the people of Ninive that their city would be destroyed in 40 days and how the penance of the Ninevites drew God’s mercy and spared Ninive. With penance and prayer God will spare America too.
*In February 2017, satanists across America came out of the woodwork to announce their plan to cast a mass spell hex on President Trump every night of a "waning crescent moon." Their objective was to kill Trump.