Mysterious Red Lights in Mongolia a Foreboding Sign
David Martin | The Daily Knight

As seen in the news, the skies over Mongolia turned deep blood-red in an extraordinary display on December 1-2, which some are calling the rarest auroral event ever witnessed in that country. The phenomenon, known as an aurora, typically occurs closer to the poles and is often green in color, whereas the auroras seen in Mongolia were a striking crimson hue and occurred only over Mongolia.
The strange lights indeed were ominous and call to mind the mysterious unknown lights that were seen throughout the world on January 25-26, 1938, signaling the approach of World War II that was predicted by Our Lady of Fatima in July 1917. The red lights in Mongolia have been seen as an omen that World War III is on the horizon.
Fatima Prophecy Unfolding
Lenin, who was half Mongolian, was the one who launched world Communism in 1917. That same year, the Blessed Virgin appeared at Fatima and warned that if we didn't heed her message to convert Russia through the Rosary and through the Consecration of Russia to Her Immaculate Heart, this same Russia would grow into a tyrannical beast that would later emerge and turn on the Christian free world. Russia's aggression in the Ukraine and its repeated threat to nuke ‘any nation that stands in her way’ bear witness to the message of Fatima.
While Mongolia today is said to be a reformed democratic country, this is just media rhetoric to cover the fact that Mongolia is in league with Communist Russia. As with Russia, there has been no change in Mongolia's barbaric communistic aspirations.
The Red Horse of the Apocalypse
In the prophecies of Bayside, we were asked to save the world from the ravages of war.
“Save the world from communism and its fast gallop of the war-like Mongols down after those who are innocent of heart—the fast trod of these hoofs come from… the Apocalypse! The Red Horse is war! And war is in the balance next." (Jesus, June 17, 1989)
Our Lord here was asking us to save the world from Communist aggressors whom he calls "Mongols." Clearly, these Mongols are a key part Russia's plan to make their thrust forward upon the West. And now the red lights in Mongolia. Is Heaven again trying to tell us something?