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March For Trump: the American spirit is alive

Alexandra Clark | The Daily Knight

Alexandra Clark | The Daily Knight

Yesterday, November 14th 2020, in Freedom Plaza, Washington D.C. we had a team of contributors for The Daily Knight attend the Million Maga March, which had a unprecedented turnout of at least a million! Patriotic Americans are rising up, taking to the streets and fighting for truth, justice and to urge President Trump to not quit!

President Trump himself drove by in the morning around Freedom Plaza, waving and saying “thank you” from his car.

The crowds chanted several times the “We love Trump” chant and praying multiple times during the day for President Trump as he battles against the forces of evil.

If you were at the march today you would get a sense of the great American spirit that is alive and well, full of hope, vigor and ready to fight for truth and loving the USA.  It was a great outpouring of love for our nation, calling for the defense of the integrity of the electoral process.  There is no doubt that President Trump won the popular vote!  People were praying, singing and cheering! There were hundreds of Trump flags, USA flags, and other signs of patriotic messages, including, “We stand with Trump,” “Stop the Steal,” and various banners of the Blessed Mother.

Dr. Taylor Marshal read part of letter from Archbishop Vigano, which he wrote specifically for the marchers. Hopefully the full text of Arch. Vigano’s letter will be released in the next few days as it is a wonderful letter of encouragement. Archbishop Vigano mentions how we must appeal to the Supreme High Court, that is the Heavenly Court to win against the forces of evil. See video here of the part of the video read aloud at the Supreme Court:

We know that Biden is trying to steal the election, and there is an enormous amount of fraud caught and recorded across the nation. Several states are currently in the thick of that battle with legal lawsuits and investigations taking place against the illegal ballots and fraud-counting.

One Pro-Trump policy group took to the streets earlier this week, dressed as pirates to mock Captain Joe Biden and his steal of the election. President Eugene Delgaudio, said: "Joe Biden's Pirates for Election Integrity recognizes the wholesale hysteria present where illegal cheating, glitching and outright ballot fraud is gleefully dismissed or celebrated by the news media. What better time to have Joe Biden's Pirates Parley?" See the 2 videos here of them singing and mocking the Pirate Joe Biden at the Supreme Court here: A Biden Vote for Me: and the Steal Shanty:

Yes, Joe Biden should parley! That is, surrender, because he has been caught red handed in his blatant cheating and we will not stand for it!

No matter where you live in the USA, it is time to get involved and stand up for the truth. Today, one of the speakers at the Supreme Court, Sebastian Gorka, reminded the crowd of the 5 percent….the 5 percent of Americans that took a stand against the British Empire, started the American Revolution! Just think what we could do if we were to stand up and take action against the evil forces in play today.

We the people, need to help cancel all illegally cast ballots! If you have seen fraud, irregularities, or something fishy especially in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Virginia, Arizona, Nevada, Michigan, Wisconsin and North Carolina. File reports using this Fight Voter Fraud link:

We encourage President Trump not to give up and to fight till the end! We the American people will stand behind him, helping fight the good fight! God help us and bless us! God bless America and God bless President Donald J. Trump! Continue praying and fighting, and may by the Immaculate Conception of Mary,  deliver us from evil!  Amen!


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