Open Letter to the International Olympic Committee
JS Elliot | The Daily Knight
Why does an excellence-in-sports competition resort to vile, mocking, disgusting attacks on a revered icon of Christianity?
The offense you have generated is worldwide. Even non-Christians, even Moslems are appalled at your disgraceful “ceremony.”
Has the Olympics gotten so dull and mundane that in order to garner views and audiences you must engage in such despicable, satanic blasphemy?
Why did you not mock Mohammed? Perhaps you recognize the very real possibility of a fatwa upon your heads. Or mock Moses, but then you’d be labeled Antisemite. But to attack Jesus Christ and His Church—you expect us to turn the other cheek. For one another, yes, but not when the attack is on God, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity and His Apostles and His Holy Sacraments, NO, WE WILL NOT TURN THE OTHER CHEEK.
You and your sponsors will be the recipients of the most powerful long-term BOYCOTTS.
You and your sponsors owe the Christians of the world a sincere, heartfelt apology, not the pathetic attempt recently issued.
You claim that your policies forbid a surfboard to have the image of Christ, yet your policies have no problem with the most disgraceful mockery of the image of Christ yet to be displayed. This simply shows how false you are and it reveals the satanic agenda to destroy Religion.
You are disgraceful. Vile. Despicable. Pathetic. Repulsive. Dishonest. Ignoble. Low.
You serve your serpentine master very well, and thus you will spend eternity alongside him.
How foolish.
It is time for the Olympics to be put back on a shelf as first did the Emperor Constantine.
Enough is enough!
JS Elliot
United States of America