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Francis Targeting yet Another Faithful Bishop

David Martin | The Daily Knight

There was the Vatican defrocking of pro-life champion Fr. Frank Pavone, the defrocking of Fr. James Altman for his courageous witness for the Faith, the shocking and unjust removal of the exemplary Bishop Strickland of Tyler, Texas, and more recently the inhumane punishing of the meek and noble Cardinal Burke by evicting him and taking from him his salary.

Now Francis and his Vatican have targeted yet another holy prelate of the Church. According to InfoVaticana, a Spanish-language outlet in Spain, Bishop Nicolás Baisi of the Diocese of Puerto Iguazú in Argentina “has been notified by the Dicastery for Bishops that in December, he will receive a fraternal visit as a result of some news received by the Holy See questioning the pastoral governance of the diocese.”

Bishop Baisi used to serve as an auxiliary bishop under Archbishop Hector Aguer who is an outspoken critic of his fellow Argentinians running the Vatican, namely, Pope Francis and LGBT advocate Cardinal Víctor Fernández, the prefect of the DDF. It is widely speculated that Baisi’s close relationship with Archbishop Aguer and his shared denunciation of the heretical “program” coming out of Rome is the reason for the visitation.

A Clear Pattern Developing

Clearly, we see a pattern developing in that more and more there are holy priests and bishops receiving apostolic visitations from Francis & Company to either “straighten up or else.” That is, they’re being asked to drop or tone down their witness for the Faith because the light of Christ is pricking their guilty conscious in Rome. They run about in their shame collaborating with homosexuals and heretics and making the Church a shambles and then become ‘bent out of shape’ when the loyal ones of the Church speak up against this.

It calls to mind how the Pharisees “began violently to urge him [Christ], and to oppress his mouth about many things.” (Luke 11:53) Quite naturally, Christ wasn’t about to heed this brood of vipers as neither are his faithful representatives including Bishop Baisi about to heed Rome’s call to deny the Faith. After all, they answer to a higher authority by remaining allegiant to Holy Tradition, but this reportedly throws Francis into a violent passion.

Superlative Essay by Archbishop Aguer

In an essay dated November 28, Archbishop Aguer said that Francis persecutes traditional bishops and priests all over the world, including in his home country.

“The authoritarian progressivism of Rome is imitated all over the world, as it is here in Argentina, where the cancellation of priests faithful to Tradition takes place in several dioceses.”

The archbishop continued.

“The Pope does not cease to inflict harm. His Jesuit and Argentine duplicity inspires his worst decisions. Now he is also going after bishops, dismissing Bishop Joseph Strickland of Tyler, Texas, trying to neutralize the best among the successors of the apostles by imposing a coadjutor or sending an apostolic visitation.

“Here in Argentina, he took out the excellent bishop of San Luis and replaced him with a progressive who blesses ‘in the name of the Father and the Holy Spirit,’ bypassing the eternal Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, so as not to annoy the non-Christians who attend his ‘ecumenical’ events.

Number of Canceled Priests Growing in Argentina

“The number of canceled priests is growing in Argentina due to an insignificant episcopate’s submissiveness to Francis while it impassively watches the de-Christianization of society unfold.”

Archbishop Aguer went on to offer a message of hope at the end of his essay, stating that the future of the Catholic Church will be bright because of young Catholics who are attracted and faithful to Tradition.

“I must recognize a paradoxical fact that shows its mysterious character: the growth of some parishes faithful to Tradition, where Catholics, especially young people, enjoy a normal [TLM] liturgy and are open to a devout participation in the Eucharistic Sacrifice.”



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