- Alexandra Clark | The Daily Knight
Make the Family Great Again with LMNOP+
Washington D.C. (LMNOP)
A brave group of pro-family American patriots took to the streets of Washington, DC to celebrate Trump's acceptance speech for the Repuclican nomination on Thursday August 27th, as well as Trump's pro-family policies that he has enacted in the last 4 years.
These conservative Americans address themselves as the LMNOP+ community and dressed up in various costumes to represent the "Lifestyle of Mainstream Normal Ordinary People" (LMNOP). It goes without saying that LMNOP+ is a play on words with a perverse accronym, which carries an agenda to destroy the nuclear family. Specifically, this group of LMNOP+ is called PublicAdvocateUSA.org, and was led by their President, Eugene Delgaudio.
During the event, particpatnts launched Trump balloons to celebrate Trump's pro-family policies. On the balloon it said "Make the family great again" with a smiling Trump Face. LMNOP+ supporters also held roses to support First Lady, Melania Trump and her Rose garden.
As LMNOP+ organized before the White House, they urged Americans to join the fight for faith, family and freedom. The group was the first pro-Trump organizatoin to come out on the streets in Washington D.C., since all the rioting and violence by BLM and Antifa. The LMNOP community walked up 16th Street which is now Black Lives Matter Plaza to approach the White House and sing their support for President Donald Trump.
Washington D.C. (LMNOP+)
Their action should inspire and show Americans to not let the left win with fear tactics. We can no longer be silent, quarentined in our homes and doing nothing during this crucial election.
American patriots need take action to win and show how Trump is the leader that we need in this country to defeat the marxist takeover and oppose the international-socialist community which already has its claws on America.
These brave Americans sang a few different songs to inspire people to take action and rise up. Among their five different songs, two really had a greaet message:
Make the Family Great Again with LMNOP
Sung to the tune of the Battle Hymn of the Republic,
Refrain only:
Make the Family Great Again with LMNOP
Make the Family Great Again with LMNOP
Make the Family Great Again with LMNOP
Lifestyle of Mainstream Normal Ordinary People
A vote For Trump will bring us through
To the tune of Neil Sedaka's "Breaking Up is Hard to Do":
Do do do
Down dooby doo down down
Comma, comma, Vote Right
Now down down
Comma, comma, Vote
Right Now down down
A vote For Trump will bring us through
Don’t want another Civil War
But that is what we’re headed for
If we split, then I’ll be blue
But a vote for Trump will bring us through
Remember when our bonds were tight
And we distinguished wrong from right?
Think of all that we’ve been through
Breaking up is so hard to do
They say that breaking up is hard to do
Now I know
I know that it's true
Don’t say that this is the end
Instead of breaking up, I wish
that we were waking up again
I beg of God for awakening
To make our country great again
Countrymen, let’s fight for truth
Cause a vote for Trump will
bring us through
They say that breaking up is hard to do
Now I know
I know that it's true
Don’t say that this is the end
Instead of breaking up, Let’s
make families great again
I beg of God for awakening
To make our country great again
Countrymen, let’s fight for truth
A vote for Trump will bring us through
Down dooby doo down down
Comma, comma, vote right
now down down
Comma, comma, vote right
now down down
A vote for Trump will bring us
Here is the link to the video of their performance on the streets of DC in front of the White House and their Trump balloon launch: https://youtu.be/jUcXKuztNDg
Please keep this group in your prayers as they continue the fight on for faith, family and freedom. Join them if you are in the area or start similar actions in your own State.
As our Lady of Fatima asserted that the final battle will be about the family; now is the time to take action before it is too late.
God Bless America and God bless President Trump!