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Volunteer to defend Holy Mother Church; train how to safely, lawfully, professionally, and effectively provide security to the parish and the faithful.




Violent Attacks on Catholics

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Join the Army of the Sacred Heart

Over 280 parishes, 1,000 Defenders, across 16 countries, and Growing


Volunteers wanted! We are in a state of open war with communists in the United States. BLM and Antifa have burned their second Catholic Church, after desecrating dozens of chapels and statues over the past two years. They diabolically threaten to burn down cities across America.


Police and government are unable and unwilling to protect the Faith and the faithful. We need good men to defend Catholic Churches from the attacks of communists. Military experience is not required, we will train you to safely, lawfully, and effectively defend your parish.


Other orders, such as the KofC, are welcome. The Army of the Vendée waited too long to address the French Revolution; we cannot sleep on the enemy.


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United States

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Sacred Military Order of Knights of the Republic and

the Most Victorious Heart of Jesus


Volunteer to defend Holy Mother Church; train how to safely, lawfully, professionally, and effectively provide security to the parish and the faithful.

For Grace To Do God’s Will

“Grant me grace, O merciful God, to desire ardently all that is pleasing to Thee, to examine it prudently, to acknowledge it truthfully, and to accomplish it perfectly for the praise and glory of Thy name. Amen” ~ St. Thomas Aquinas, The Prayer Book, 1954


For Zeal

“O my Lord Jesus! Teach me to be generous; teach me to serve Thee as Thou deservest; to give, and not to count the cost; to fight and not to heed the wounds; to toil and not to ask for rest; to labor, seeking no reward, save that of knowing that I do Thy will. Amen.” ~ St. Francis Xavier, The Prayer Book, 1954


In Time Of War

“O God, who bringest wars to naught, and shieldest by Thy power all those who hope in Thee, overthrowing those that assail them, help Thy servants who implore Thy mercy, that the fierce might of their enemies may be brought low, and that we may never cease from praising Thee.” ~ Roman Missal, The Prayer Book, 1954



Mission: The Army of the Sacred Heart, composed of lay volunteers, exists to defend the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, its parishes and the faithful, from the enemies of our Lord Jesus Christ and the injustices and entrapments of modernism, the synthesis of all heresies.



Services and Training Disciplines



Security Operations

Overwatch, Security Checks, Probing, Surveillance, Communications, Guard Patrols, etc.



Cameras, Sensors, Alarms, Neighborhood Watch, etc.



Situation Reports, Visual Signals, Warning Lights, Cell, Radio, Social Media, Emergency Services, etc.


First Aid

Casualty Assessment, Casualty Stabilization, Injury Prevention, Emergency Services, etc.


De-escalation Tactics

Crowd Control, Warning Signals, Dispersion, Disruption, etc.


Firearms Familiarization and Safety

Permits, Maintenance, Ballistics, Firearms, Safety, Marksmanship, etc.



Resource Fulfillment, Tactical Planning and Execution, Training Scheduling, etc.


Defensive Tactics

U.S. Army Defensive Tactics, Riot Dispersion, Crowd Control, etc.


Law: Self and Property Defense

Federal, State, Authorities Coordination, etc.



Parish Security Force, Diocesan Group Events, Physical Fitness, Range Qualifying, etc.



Parish Leadership Contact:

Sacred Military Order of Knights of the Republic

and the Most Victorious Heart of Jesus

PO Box 2582 | Loganville, GA 30052, USA



In Closing;


To Christ The King

“O Christ Jesus, I acknowledge Thee to be the king of the universe; all that hath been made is created for Thee. Exercise over me all Thy sovereign rights. I hereby renew the promises of my baptism, renouncing Satan and all his works and pomps, and I engage myself to lead henceforth a truly Christian life. And in an especial manner do I undertake to bring about the triumph of the rights of God and Thy Church, so far as in me lies. Divine Heart of Jesus, I offer Thee my poor actions to obtain the acknowledgement by every heart of Thy sacred kingly power. In such wise may the kingdom of Thy peace be firmly established throughout all the earth. Amen.”


Plenary indulgence on the usual conditions once daily. (272) ~ The Prayer Book, 1954



In Christ Crucified and the Most Victorious Heart of Jesus.

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