The Treachery and Tyranny of the Vatican-China Deal
David Martin | The Daily Knight
While Pope Francis has touted his September 2018 deal with China as a step forward in achieving greater “dialogue” with the Chinese Republic, it in fact has placed the Chinese underground Church under the jurisdiction of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), resulting in a spiked increase of arrests, imprisonments, the closing of churches, the demolishing of Catholic shrines, the forbiddance of religious statues and images — the tyrannizing of God’s people.
Dubbed the Beijing Deal, the agreement recognizes the state-controlled church of China and authorizes the Chinese Communist Party to appoint bishops to oversee the true Church there. Francis supposedly maintains a veto power but in reality the CCP controls the appointment of bishops and is empowered to remove legitimate bishops and replace them with CCP-approved bishops.
Illegitimate Bishops
These are the pseudo bishops of the Chinese Patriotic Catholic Association (CPCA), a Communist organization that uses religion as a front to oppress the Chinese Church and to indoctrinate its members with Communist ideology. The CPCA was condemned in 1958 by Pope Pius XII, who forbade any association with this group and who declared all of its appointments to be null and void. The CPCA remains in complete 1 schism with Rome despite Francis’ faux authorization.
While some of the bishops of the CPCA are validly consecrated, their consecrating of other bishops incurs for them the penalty of automatic excommunication. In his June 29, 1958 encyclical, Ad Apostolorum Principis, Pope Pius XII imposed ipso facto excommunication on any Catholic bishop who consecrated bishops for the CPCA as well as on anyone who received this illicitly conferred consecration.
Chinese Underground Church Betrayed
In spite of this, Rome now authorizes excommunicated CPCA bishops to oversee the Church in China, and this is not to mention the bishops and clergy of the CPCA that were never ordained to the Catholic priesthood. These are fake-priests with no Apostolic lineage that have been trained and appointed by the Chinese Communist Party to oppress and destroy the Faith. According to Francis, these are the “pastors” that the Catholics in China are supposed to obey.
Cardinal Joseph Zen, the retired bishop of Hong Kong, has decried the Vatican-China deal as a “betrayal of the real Church,” saying that, “It’s not an isolated episode. It’s already a long-standing policy of the Vatican not to offend the Chinese government.”
Beijing Deal Sparks Increased Gov’t Persecution in China
While Francis shamefully defends the Vatican-China deal as forming a “new chapter of the Catholic Church in China,” it has brought an avalanche of persecution upon the underground Church in China. Francis thereby has abandoned faithful Chinese Catholics to state sanctions, persecutions, abductions, and even torture.
It wasn’t even two months after the signing of the deal that AsiaNews reported the fifth arrest in two years of Bishop Peter Shao Zhumin, the Vatican-approved bishop of Wenzhou, and described the lamentable state of affairs for the Chinese Church at ground level: “The closed and sealed churches, the destroyed crosses, the domes razed to the ground, the demolished sanctuaries, the police-enforced ban on minors under 18 attending church or catechism.” According to AsiaNews, “Underground Catholics bitterly suspect that the Vatican has abandoned them.”
In February 2022 LifeSiteNews reported that:
“Summer 2021 also saw a number of clergy arrested by the CCP, with Bishop Joseph Zhang Weizhu of the Xinxiang Diocese abducted along with ten priests and ten seminarians in May when around 100 ‘Public Security agents’ raided a disused factory that had been used as a seminary for those who did not want to join the CCP-approved church. They were punished for not joining the state approved church, the ‘Patriotic Association’ whose loyalty is ultimately to Xi Jinping.”
Under the terms of Xi Jinping’s Communist government, Christian symbols are not allowed, as some towns have ordered Christian recipients of “social welfare” to “remove crosses, religious symbols and images…and replace them with portraits of Chairman Mao and President Xi Jinping.”
In Zhejiang Province, over 1,500 churches have had their crosses removed. Additionally, authorities across the country have removed more crosses from churches and have replaced images of Jesus and the Virgin Mary with pictures of Xi Jinping.
Nina Shea, an international religious freedom advocate, noted in 2019 that "two popular Marian pilgrimage shrines were demolished. Several underground Catholic priests were detained and forced into Communist Party 'reeducation' sessions."
In 2020, Cardinal Zen said, "Christmas is forbidden, in the whole country. Even the bible should be re-translated, according to the Communist orthodoxy." Zen added, "On the top of the church they tell you to destroy the crosses, inside the church, they put the image of Xi Jinping – maybe not in the center, but in some place. Now they have to have the flag in the church, they have to sing the national anthem."
In January 2020, an annual report by the U.S. Congressional-Executive Commission on China stated that the persecution witnessed there was “of an intensity not seen since the Cultural Revolution.”
Francis Withholding True Pastoral Care
What is needed in China are true, legitimate bishops to encourage the flock to go out and spread their Catholic faith against the tyranny of Xi Jinping’s Communist government, but Pope Francis disagrees, saying that Chinese Catholics should learn to submit to the government as “good citizens” and not engage in the “proselytism” of spreading the Faith. As Francis sees it, this is interrupting the red solidarity he is trying to secure with China.
In an interview with Stephen Bannon on January 1, 2021, Archbishop Vigano lamented Pope Francis’ refusal to allow legitimate bishops to oversee the Church in China. He pointed out that, “Up until the papacy of Benedict XVI, the papacy had not made any agreements with the Beijing dictatorship, and the Roman Pontiff retained the exclusive right to appoint bishops and govern dioceses.”
Unfortunately, the papacy has now relinquished its exclusive right to appoint Chinese bishops as it hands the Chinese Church over to the Beijing wolves in an attempt to muzzle the voice of Christ’s Church in China.
Bilderberg Affiliate was Main Force in Securing Vatican-China Deal
The key architect of the Vatican-China deal was Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin, who was an official attendee at the infamous Bilderberg Meeting that convened in Turin on June 7-10, 2018, the very year the pact with China was signed.
The Bilderberg Meeting (known also as the Bilderberg Group) is an annual off-the-record conference established in 1954 by the international bankers to discuss plans of abolishing Christianity and shackling humanity under an all-powerful one-world government dubbed the “Great Reset.” Participants at the Bilderberg Meetings are Freemasons and secret society members, of which Parolin seemingly is one. It appears his assignment for the cabal was to place the CCP over the Chinese Church and then elicit Francis’ signature.
It is for reason that Cardinal Zen has emerged as one of Parolin’s greatest antagonists, calling for Parolin’s resignation over his “incredible betrayal” of the Faith. Zen says Parolin “got rid” of him and calls Parolin “arrogant and despotic, interested more in diplomatic success than in the triumph of the Faith.”
McCarrick’s Role in the Deal
Parolin is also connected with the San Gallen Mafia that forced Benedict XVI’s resignation in 2013 and he was complicit in covering up the sexual-misdeeds of ex-cardinal Theodore McCarrick.
It was McCarrick who played a central role in the treasonous agreement between the Vatican and communist China. After illicitly campaigning for the election of Cdl. Bergoglio before the 2013 conclave, the newly elected Francis instantly sent McCarrick to China to broker the deal.
Totalitarian Fruits
While Francis has praised the China deal as a leap forward toward greater “unity” and “solidarity” with China the deal in fact has strengthened the Church’s ties with Communism. The Chinese government now hands out financial rewards for reporting private house-worship to the authorities as priests and bishops are arrested for loving Christ and faithful Catholics are penalized and arrested for helping their dedicated clergy.
This is not to mention the increased government brutality in China. There are reports of increased beatings, scaldings, and the torturous harvesting of people’s organs while they are still alive just to make money for the regime. Breitbart recently reported that “the Communist Party may be ‘harvesting’ as many as 50,000 concentration camp victims, killing them to sell their organs, a year.”
It is with these thugs of Communism that Francis and his Vatican have made their traitorous deal. These are the people he goes out of his way to shake hands with while he persecutes traditional Catholic nuns and outlaws the Traditional Mass of the Ages.
Renewal of Infamous Deal this Fall
With all that has transpired since the signing of the deal on September 21, 2018, Pope Francis has now said that he hopes to renew the Vatican-China Deal this fall. On July 2, he told Reuters: “The agreement is moving well, and I hope that in October it can be renewed.”
Will Rome renew its betrayal of the Chinese Church once more this fall?
1. The CPCA is a condemned, clandestine, Communist organization comprised of excommunicated bishops that are committed to oppressing the Catholic Church, which means a pope is not authorized to sanction it just as he cannot sanction murder, rape, or LGBT. Any attempts to do so are null and void.