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David Martin | The Daily Knight

The Deception of the Century

David Martin | The Daily Knight

The early-mid seventies marked one of the most revolutionary periods of Church history as this was when the radical “reforms” and changes of the Second Vatican Council began shifting into high gear. It was during this time that rumors and allegations of foul play began circulating in Rome in the wake of increasing sacrileges throughout the Church that were being advanced in the name of “Pope Paul VI.” Everything from “guitar liturgy” to the “charismatics” to the new fad of receiving Communion in the hand had given the appearance that an uncanny force had come along to spur the new changes.

In his 1981 book, The Broken Cross: The Hidden Hand in the Vatican, Piers Compton covers this matter and brings forth some interesting observations that match those of other whistle-blowers who were surfacing at that time. Therein he states:

“At length, stories emanating from Rome of sacrilege and abuses committed in church, with the approval of the Pope, became so startling, that groups of people in Europe and America decided to take action.

“This culminated with a Mr. Daniel Scallen of the Marian Press in Georgetown, Ontario, Canada, employing the Pinkerton Detective Agency in New York to investigate. One of the agency’s detectives was sent, in 1973, to Rome, and he returned with a story that dwarfed all other speculations, however sensational.

“He had determined that there were two Popes living in the Vatican, Paul VI and an impostor who had been made to resemble Montini [Pope Paul VI] with the aid of plastic surgery. Several such operations were necessary, and when colour photographs of the false Pope were sent to interested circles in Munich, where the impostor is still receiving concentrated study, there were certain noticeable differences in the two sets of features that could not be overcome.

“To point out the differences: Montini had clear blue eyes, large, and being long-sighted he only required glasses for near viewing. The impostor had green eyes, small, and he wore glasses with thick lenses.” (Piers Compton: The Broken Cross: The Hidden Hand in the Vatican)

The differences between the nose and the ears are also held as strong evidence. Pope Paul’s nose was Roman, and protruding somewhat over his mouth, while the impostor’s nose, part straight and part hooked, was shorter. Those who subjected the photographs to professional examination claim to have detected the insertion of a plastic strip in the nose to make it appear straighter.

The above are standard news photos of the two men as they were seen and known in the press as Pope Paul VI. Neither photo is doctored. Note the visible difference in the nose. Paul VI (left) has a longer, straighter, more pointed nose, while the impostor (right) has a shorter and rounder nose. The photo of Pope Paul VI was taken in 1970 while the impostor photo was taken in 1977. The seven years that lapsed between the two photos wouldn’t account for such a difference in appearance.

In Spring of 1977, a photo of the impostor Pope was sent to Germany. It showed definite signs of plastic surgical operations done to him. He was a little cross-eyed and his face was more rounded than Pope Paul, with his nose shorter, and the upper half of his ears extending outward.

The Pinkerton report states that several plastic surgery operations were needed to produce the impostor, so it is conceivable that even after ascending to the Papal Chair he made subsequent trips to the clinic for touch-ups, which could account for slight discrepancies in photos even of him. Plastic surgery takes only a week to heal so side trips to the clinic during break time were certainly possible.

The existence of an impostor pope in the Vatican during the seventies was well known among diplomatic circles in Rome and has been documented in Theodore Kolberg’s 1977 release, Der Betrug des Jahrhunderts (The Deception of the Century). Therein, he substantiates his claim with numerous photos of the two popes, which show there was a double of Paul VI reigning in the Vatican from about 1974 on. Sources indicate that he was an Italian actor of great talent with the initials P.A.R. serving as a puppet under the control of those who had seized control of the Curia in 1972, namely, Cardinals Villot, Casaroli and Benelli, all three of whom were KGB affiliates. The best of plastic surgeons were hired to create the impostor, after which they drugged the true pope so that he was able to make very few appearances after 1975.

Discrepancies Explained

The reign of an impostor pope would explain the many discrepancies that had confused the faithful concerning Pope Paul VI, for instance, why he would denounce Communion in the hand in 1969 and why he would sanction it in the 70s, or why he would condemn the Charismatic Movement in 1969 and then praise it in 1975. Having an impostor in Rome made it easier for modernists to get on with their reform,” which up to that point had been hampered by Pope Paul’s resistance.

To get a closer look at this Jekyll and Hyde effect, let us compare Pope Paul VI speaking on the Charismatic Renewal in 1969 and 1972, and then again in May 1975.

In May 1969, Pope Paul publicly denounced "the illusion of a free and charismatic Christianity" which ''does not build, but demolishes," and deplored those who "have recourse to gratuitous charismatic suppositions in order to fill up the interior emptiness created by their own loss of confidence in the guidance of the Church."

Again he says, "Many who speak about the Church today say they are inspired by a prophetic spirit, and they appeal to the Holy Spirit as if the Divine Paraclete were at their disposal at all times. May God grant that this presumption, of elevating a personal experience into a criterion of religious doctrine, may not cause havoc!"

At the General Audience of May 17, 1972, Paul VI again denounced the Charismatic Movement, saying that it attacks directly "the very existence of the Church," leading to "extinguishing the real flame of Pentecost, disregarding the thought of Christ and of the whole of Tradition."

Note the directness and clarity of his words and how they echo the tradition of the Faith as guided by the Holy Spirit through the centuries. His point was to say that the Charismatic Movement has no connection with the Holy Spirit and that we therefore should have no connection with it.

Compare now to the ambiguous mishmash in which "Pope Paul" expresses praise for the Charismatics at the Second International Renewal Conference that was held in Rome on May 19, 1975.

"How then could this 'spiritual renewal' not be 'a chance' for the Church and for the world? And how, in this case, could one not take all the means to ensure that it remains so? ... Nothing is more necessary for such a world, more and more secularized, than the testimony of this 'spiritual renewal', which we see the Holy Spirit bring about today in the most diverse regions and environments. Its manifestations are varied... in which each one, expressing himself freely, helps, supports and nourishes the prayers of others, and, at the basis of everything, a personal conviction. This conviction has its source not only in instruction received by faith but also in a certain experience of real life.”

Note the emphasis on "personal conviction," which he says is born not only of the Faith, but of experience with the secular world. This is an insidious suggestion to attend to our environmental surroundings and be worldly.

From the Pinkerton report, it appears that the impostor was in Rome as early as 1973 so that there were actually two “popes” functioning in the Vatican from 1973 to 1978. The impostor seemingly was the one addressing the Charismatic Renewal Conference in May 1975, since his praise of the Charismatics coupled with his sloppy delivery radically differ from the crystal-clear doctrine and expression evident in the two denunciations made by Pope Paul in 1969 and 1972.

Irrational Arguments

The photos alone are evidence that there were two different “popes” in the Vatican during the 70s, but skeptics argue that with aging comes a change of appearance and they’ll even attempt to substantiate their point by showing two different photos of a given person taken 60 years apart. Naturally, a person’s appearance will always change after thirty years or more, but photos of the same person taken within a five-to-ten-year window would not reveal a significant change of appearance. Yet the different photos of Pope Paul VI reveal an obvious difference in appearance.

(Below) Impostor on June 29, 1978, the 15th anniversary of the coronation of Pope Paul VI

Pope Paul VI during his visit to Iran on Nov. 26, 1970

In his Umsturz im Vatikan? (An Overthrow in the Vatican?), Kolberg presents further evidence of the existence of an impostor pope. Voice recordings of the pope’s “Urbi et Orbi” speech were made on two different occasions, namely, Easter and Christmas 1975, with each recording containing the traditional Latin blessing, Indulgentium Peccatorum. The two recordings were submitted to Kay Elemetrics in Pine Brook, New Jersey, and passed through a voice-frequency analyzer. The output Type B/65 sonogram voiceprints of the same words pronounced by “the Pope” on two different occasions revealed that it was two different men speaking on the recordings. Piers Compton comments in his book.

”It appeared, according to sonograms that were made – and sonograms are more sensitive than the ear – that the man who had spoken at Easter, and again at Christmas, had not been one and the same. There had been two different speakers. Here I quote from those who are qualified to judge the sonograms and sum up the distinctions:

“One voice had a much lower pitch than the other, with a more pronounced dragging of word syllables.

“Another difference was that one voice had a much lower range of frequencies. It emitted a more hissing sound, and was noticeably shaky.”

Compton goes on to say:

“The voiceprints were also submitted to the FBI for examination, and the same conclusions were arrived at. The voice patterns were different, and indicated that the vocal cords, the mouth, and the lips, were unique to each individual.”

It should be pointed out that voiceprints, like fingerprints or medical records, are valid evidence that hold up in a court of law.

An interesting point brought out in Compton’s book is that it was the impostor who died at Castelgandolfo in Rome on August 6, 1978, which followed the death of the true pope. After the death of the pope, they eliminated the impostor because the architects of this scheme couldn’t afford to have him emerge after the funeral. Compton also states in his book:

“A layman in search of more concrete evidence went to Brescia [Italy], where some of Montini’s relations were living. There a niece informed him that they were perfectly well aware of the impostor, but that all their efforts to make it known had been stifled. The investigator, who was obviously untried and filled with a crusading zeal to bring things into the open, soon landed in trouble. He was jailed for four years, and afterwards deported from Italy. All efforts to trace his whereabouts since then have failed.”

Different Speech Patterns

Another point of evidence to support the existence of an impostor was the observed difference of speech and behavior in the two men. Dignitaries who had met with “Pope Paul VI” in the hopes of receiving from him some enlightenment were left perplexed and disappointed at his inability to communicate, which was very much unlike Paul VI. Pope Paul was highly intelligent, cordial, and apt to communicate, so that there was virtually nothing on a spiritual, political, or sociological level that he couldn’t answer with skill and command.

The impostor, though gifted as an actor, had only received a basic education and consequently was in no position to answer weighty questions with coherence. Reports say that he was sent to school to better acquaint himself with Catholic philosophy and doctrine.

His lack of formal training was evident when European statesmen and nobles were granted private audiences with him in fall of 1975. When queries of depth were submitted his way, his responses took the shape of comments rather than answers, but which lacked the light and capacity characteristic of Paul VI. From such occasions, these dignitaries unanimously agreed that something was rotten in Rome.

For instance, the President of France, Valery Giscard d'Estaing, spent an hour attempting to discuss the prospect of developing backward lands in Lebanon as the groundwork for eventually attaining freedom of speech, to which the "pope" merely said: "I have found great faith and I am deeply impressed with it." When the French President was asked by a confused journalist if the man with whom he had spoken was really Paul VI, Valery Giscard sarcastically uttered in weary boredom, "But that is certainly absurd."

On another occasion in November of 1975, Gerhard Stoltenberg, Minister President of Schleswig-Holstein, was asked if he were convinced that the man he had spoken with was Pope Paul VI, and Stoltenberg retorted in a semi-disgusted, semi-humorous tone, "That is certainly laughable."

It was from these and other like observations, coupled with audiovisual

evidence, that dignitaries in Rome began circulating the word that there was an impostor pope in the Vatican. According to the Pinkerton report, the impostor was first photographed on December 11, 1974.

The reign of the impostor would probably account for the fact that there were no papal encyclicals issued during his reign, since authoring a true encyclical would require the wisdom of a true pope. A pope’s lesser writings (speeches, moto proprio, Apostolic letters) could have been forged by Villot and his aides but an encyclical would be beyond their capacity. Pope Paul’s last encyclical was “Humanae Vitae,” issued July 25, 1968.

Switzerland Exorcisms

The following revelations are from a solemn exorcism that took place in Switzerland from 1975-1978 in which the demons under constraint were forced to reveal certain things about the Church. The session below is from April 25, 1977 and concerns Pope Paul VI and his double. Speaking through a possessed woman, the demons were forced by the Holy Virgin to tell the truth under the Solemn Church Exorcism, which was witnessed by several priests (see below) who all expressed their conviction of the authenticity of the revelations made by the fallen spirits by the order of the Blessed Virgin. The exorcisms are recorded in a book by Jean Marty (translated from French by Nancy Knowles Smith) entitled, Avertissements de I’Au’dela a I’Eglise Contemporaine - Aveux de I’Eufer (Warnings From Beyond). The revelations have been edited slightly to keep it concise.


Abbot Albertl`Arx, Niederbuchorten, Abbot Arnold Elig, Ramiswil, Abbot Ernest Fischer, Missionary, Gossau (St. Gall), Rev. Father Pius Gervasi, O.S.B., Disentis, Abbot Karl Holdener, Ried, Rev. Father Gregoire Meyer,—Trimbach, Rev. Father Robert Rinderer, C.P.P.S., Auw, Abbot Louis Veillard, Cerneux Pequignot. (Two other French priests also participated in the exorcisms)

E = Exorcist

B = Beelzebub

E: In the name of Jesus, tell the truth, Beelzebub, in the name of the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, speak!

B: She (the Blessed Virgin) makes me say: Alas! Alas! Some of the cardinals who surround the pope are wolves and...

E: Continue, in the name of Jesus, speak, Beelzebub!

B: We are doing everything to prevent people from becoming aware that there is a second Pope functioning. We are shrewder than all men put together. We are doing everything to keep that hidden... even “traditionalist” priests and lay people do not want to believe it nor to acknowledge it….

E: In the name of Jesus, speak only the truth!

B: For there reigns (in a loud voice) in actual fact, there reigns a false Pope, an imitation Pope. It is important that people are woken up gradually, for they are nearly all asleep.

Pope Paul VI (left) has a longer, more pointed nose compared to the Impostor (right) whose nose is shorter and rounder

(Exorcism Session of June 10, 1977)

E: Does Pope Paul VI know that he has a double?

B: At all events, he knows what is going on…. He is suffering unspeakably because, owing to what those cardinals are doing [forging statements in his name], it is not what Heaven and what he himself would wish which is published in the world and in the Church, and which reaches the bishops. He is very well aware that he is like a prisoner, that he is, as it were, a prisoner of the Vatican. He suffers a great torment because of this.

E: Is the Pope informed about the cardinals? Has he investigated them? In the name of the Most Blessed Virgin Mother of God, tell us the truth!

B: .... He knows everything, everything, but he can do nothing. As we have said, his hands and feet are tied. He can do nothing, he receives injections. The doctor—listen carefully—who treats the Pope, is manipulated in such a way that the Pope receives certain poisons which are harmful to his head and to his mind. But in spite of that, he knows perfectly well what is good.... His strength is always so paralyzed, so reduced, that he no longer has the power to stand alone against the others. That is his martyrdom. It is a heavy trial and is permitted from On High. He is, as we have said, a martyr Pope. He who does not believe this will see, his eyes will be opened.

E: How does one recognize the double?

B: We have already had to tell you that previously. Pick up the manuscripts, there is more about it in them than we wanted to say; single out the revelations in which we spoke about the double on earlier occasions, and then read Kolberg’s book: “Conspiracy in the Vatican?”

E: Is what Kolberg wrote correct?

B: It is correct.

E: Has Kolberg written the truth? In his book, “Conspiracy in the Vatican?”, is he telling the truth?

B: Kolberg tells the truth in his book. He has only a few small things that are not completely correct; but that is not very important.

Marian Revelations

Perhaps the most shocking and revealing information on the impostor pope is found in the prophetic revelations of the Virgin Mary to the late seer, Veronica of the Cross of Bayside, New York (1970-1995). While the Church has never conducted a true investigation of Bayside, the apparitions bear all the marks of authenticity especially in light of the scurrilous derision Bayside has received from today’s modernist clergy.

According to the message of Bayside, the present-day usurping of the Papacy and Curia constitutes the essential point of the Third Secret of Fatima, which unfortunately was never released, despite fraudulent claims that the Vatican released it in June of 2000.

Changes not from Paul VI

Now in the message of September 27, 1975, it was stated: "You must go back in the immediate years and bring the knowledge to mankind that these changes, the changes that have given bad fruits have not been given to you through the Holy Spirit and through your Vicar, Pope Paul VI. It is the web of satan reaching out."

In this same message, the Blessed Virgin went on to reveal what has come to be known as the deception of the century.

"My child, I bring to you a sad truth, one that must be made known to mankind. In doing this, My child, you must proceed without fear. It must be made known to mankind. Our dear beloved Vicar, Pope Paul VI, he suffers much atthe hands of those he trusts. My child, shout it from the rooftops. He is not able to do his mission. They have laid him low, My child. He is ill, he is very ill. Now there is one who is ruling in his place, an impostor created from the minds of the agents of satan. Plastic surgery, My child—the best of surgeons were used to create this impostor. Shout from the rooftops! He must be exposed and removed.

"Behind him, My child, there are three who have given themselves to satan. You do not receive the truth in your country and the world. Your Vicar is a prisoner…

Cardinal Casaroli Cardinal Villot "Cardinal" Benelli

"Casaroli, you shall condemn your soul to hell! Giovanni Benelli, what road have you taken? You are on the road to hell and damnation! 1 Villot, leader of evil, take yourself from among those traitors; you are not unknown to the Eternal Father. You consort with the synagogue of satan. Do you think you shall not pay for the destruction of souls in My Son’s House?

"The Antichrist, the forces of evil, have gathered, My children, within the Eternal City. You must make it known to mankind that all that is coming from Rome is coming from darkness. The light has not passed that way. The appearance in public is not Paul VI, it is the impostor pope. Medication of evil has dulled the brain of the true Pope, Pope Paul VI. They send into his veins poison to dull his reasoning and paralyze his legs. What evil creature have you opened the doors to the Eternal City and admitted? The agents of satan! You plan to remove the Eternal Father from your heart and the hearts of those whom you seek to deceive. You scatter the flock.

"My children, you must now pray for the light. You must know the truth. All that is given to you is being sent from the traitorous heart of those who have seized power in the Eternal City of Rome."

In this same message of September 27, 1975, the Virgin also said:

“It is the diabolical plan of satan to have the hate of the world turned to the Vicar, Pope Paul VI, in Rome. The plan of satan is to heap upon his shoulders all the error and wrongdoing; however, those whom he has trusted have betrayed him, have now assumed complete control of his mission. There are in figurative language, My child, three popes now in Rome. Three popes, My child, not counting Pope Paul VI: three men 2 who are being directed by satan. You cannot accept now what comes from Rome, for they do not come—these bulls and these directions—are not written by the pen of Pope Paul VI. They are written by the pen of Benelli and Villot.”

As early as 1971, the message warned that there was a plot against Pope Paul's life: "Your Vicar, your father on earth, will need your consolation. He is much grieved, My children, by the disobedience about him. There are many who are already plotting against his life." (September 14, 1971)

The message also mentioned a "well-founded plan" that had been devised against Paul VI: "Continue your prayers and sacrifices for your Vicar. The enemy has a well-founded plan to remove him from the Seat of Peter." (April 1, 1972)

On August 14, 1976, this well-founded plan was discussed in more detail. "It is common knowledge now in the city of Rome that there is one who has been impersonating your Vicar, an actor of great talent; one who through surgery has gained the countenance of your Vicar. It is now common knowledge.” (August 14, 1976)

In the message of March 18, 1977, it was also stated: “Yes, it is a fact and a truth that there is another who impersonates him and goes about having photographs taken. And there is a voice that comes out upon your air waves, a very good imitation of your Holy Father. It is all the master deception created by the evil forces that are seeking to destroy your Faith.”

Regarding Villot mentioned above, there was also reference made to him on August 21, 1974, when the Blessed Virgin said, "V does much damage to the Holy Father by changing his correspondence. V rewrites his letters. V censors his mail."

Vatican Progressivists Wanted Paul VI Out

If Pope Paul had been in praise of the new changes, none of this would have happened, but as it stands he on occasion would bewail the changes and point out their deplorable fruits. Consider his statement in 1970 about Vatican II.

"In many areas the Council has not so far given us peace but rather stirred up troubles and problems that in no way serve to strengthen the Kingdom of God within the Church or within its souls." (Archbishop Lefebvre, Open Letter to Confused Catholics, 1986) Is it any wonder that they crucified him?

Naturally, the impostor was not the architect of the new changes but only the salesman — a puppet on a string. The changes were already set in place long before he made his appearance but Pope Paul wasn't selling the changes as liberals had hoped, so they bumped him off and put their own man in, after which the changes quickly accelerated. It was during the impostor’s reign that the conciliar revolution took off, evidenced especially by the new fad of receiving Communion in the hand, the use of lay Eucharistic ministers, and the new “ecumenical” push of uniting the Catholic Church with other religions.

If they had not succeeded in placing the impostor in the Vatican, much of what happened in the 1970s would have never materialized, though, granted, there still would have been problems because of the many heretics in Rome, but having an agent in the Chair of Peter was a powerful spur to advance the new changes forward.

This picture of Pope Paul was taken in 1978 with Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Jean Villot, the key orchestrator of the impostor scheme. Note the withdrawn and weakened countenance of the Holy Father, which coincides with revelations that the pope had been drugged.

The above photo of the pope taken in 1978 obviously doesn’t match the photo below of “Paul VI” taken in 1977.

On March 29, 1973, the Associated Press reported: “Pope Paul ruled today that women…may distribute Communion in Roman Catholic churches.” Yet on September 14, 1972, Pope Paul came down heavily on the suggestion that women might play some part in the ministry of the priesthood. Clearly, the 1973 ruling was not from Pope Paul VI but from his archrivals. Do popes contradict themselves?

“Pope Paul VI” on April 19, 1974, during Easter ceremony

Pope Paul VI visits Sidney, Australia, December 1, 1970

Skeptics contend that with the intellectual and technological advance of our time, the enemies of the Church would never be able to get away with something like this. But think again. Antipopes have reigned in the past, yet these deceptive schemes were successfully pulled off in better days for the Church when Catholics were spiritually more enlightened and when Satan had only gained a fraction of the power he has today. The enlightened St. Vincent Ferrer initially took the side of antipope Benedict XIII before being corrected of his error.

So, if the enemy was able to pull off these stunts in more spiritual times when Satan had little at his disposal, how much more likely is this to happen when the world has descended to darkness and the adversary has at his disposal all the state-of-the-art technology to assist his designs? With things like the media, plastic surgery, and possessed doctors, these schemes are quite likely to succeed, especially when notorious Freemasons like Cardinal Villot (who murdered John Paul I) help orchestrate the plot.

If the spiritual darkness of our times has empowered satan to get away with absurd machinations like the “Charismatic Renewal” and the approval of homosexual priests, it could certainly empower him to dupe the Church with a fake pope.

What also made people vulnerable to the impostor’s deceits was his seduction and charm. He rang the ears of liberal Catholics by telling them what they wanted to hear, especially his praise of women's equality, gay-rights, freedom of choice, the empowerment of the laity, and the pacifist preaching that an all-merciful God unconditionally accepts us as we are.

Remember, the devil is a deceiver. He doesn't come with his horns and claws but presents himself as an angel of light with words of “peace and ecology.” Sadly, the modern church fell prey to his wiles because God was no longer before their eyes, a major reason being they took away the Old Mass and set up the New Mass where the priest faces the people. The New Mass versus populum served to bring about this 3 shift of focus where the emphasis is on the community and not on God.

Unfortunately, many believe it was Pope Paul VI who devised the New Mass not realizing that it was his enemies who devised it. This belief was strengthened by the misrepresentation of the impostor who gave the impression that “Paul VI” was in praise of the novel changes that were gaining ground in the seventies. His damage remains and will continue to remain until that time when the Church can finally arrive at the truth of what happened in Rome during those pivotal years.

Guitton Interviews “Paul VI”

The influence of the impostor in deluding even loyal Catholics about the papacy of Paul VI cannot be emphasized enough. For example, when the famous French philosopher Jean Guitton asked his friend Pope Paul VI why he would not concede the 1962 Roman Missal to traditionalist Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre and his followers, Paul responded:

“Never. This Mass…becomes the symbol of the condemnation of the council. I will not accept, under any circumstances, the condemnation of the council through a symbol. Should this exception to the liturgy of Vatican II have its way, the entire council would be shaken. And, as a consequence, the apostolic authority of the council would be shaken.”

Influential Catholics were shaken by this merciless and hardnose attitude displayed by Paul VI’s response, but what they didn’t realize is that the person Guitton interviewed was not Paul VI but the impostor, since the real pope at this point was drugged while the impostor was out and about impersonating him. The interview between Guitton and “Paul VI” took place on September 8, 1976.

The very next day, Guitton described his exchange with “the pope” as “pathetic.” (pathétique) He noted that the face of Pope Paul was severe looking and that the Holy Father’s demeanor made him “afraid.” Guitton said that “for the first time, I hear him speak as a pope.” This was his polite or perhaps sarcastic way of saying that it was the first time he had ever witnessed this authoritarian side of Paul VI. Clearly, Guitton was perplexed by this Jekyll and Hyde effect.

He was similarly disturbed by “Paul VI’s” disdainful comments about Archbishop Lefebvre, whom Guitton had a certain respect for. In short, the interview left Guitton shaken and perplexed since the conversation didn’t match the cordiality of previous exchanges he had with Pope Paul in the past. (Kevin J. Symonds, M.A., Paul VI & Archbishop Lefebvre)

It was only three days later, September 11, 1976, that “Pope Paul VI” had his famous interview with Archbishop Lefebvre concerning his position on Vatican II and the liturgical reform. In this interview, the impostor used all his skill to anger Lefebvre since his objective was to turn Lefebvre against the papacy and drive him from the Church.

Abused Pope

Pope Paul will probably go down to be the most abused pope of history. Progressivists had great hopes of using him to sell their changes to the church, but as it turns out he seldom had anything good to say about the changes and would often express regrets and lamentations over the outcome of Vatican II, even saying things like “the Council has stirred up troubles and problems.” He had no qualms about calling the reform a failure, which is why modernists wanted him out.

According to the Switzerland exorcisms, Pope Paul VI’s ‘medication’ was administered by his physician, and of course we know that doctors today have no trouble using their profession for crime if they are paid. The pope’s doctors were paid to keep him under medical ‘observation.’

In spite of his sedation, Pope Paul apparently was able to surface and make some appearances in his final years. According to the revelations from the Swiss exorcisms, the pope in his drugged state knew about the impostor and was suffering greatly from this.

The question is asked: why didn't he announce this to the Church? Answer: it was probably too difficult to do in his weakened state, and embarrassing. Who would believe it? The fear of scandal alone would prevent him from saying anything about it, not to mention the fear of being given an extra dose to keep him quiet.

But then he wasn’t entirely quiet. On the 60th Anniversary of the last apparition at Fatima, the pope made a shocking statement to the world concerning how “the tail of the devil is functioning in the disintegration of the Catholic world” and how “the darkness of satan has entered and spread throughout the Catholic Church even to its summit.”

Herein, the pope was letting out with an S.O.S. and giving us a firsthand look into the state of affairs in Rome, admitting that the devil was operating at the highest levels of the Vatican and spreading his pestilent darkness throughout the universal Church.

Something drastic must have prompted his action and that something was this conspiracy to overthrow his Papacy, which was the essential point of the Third Secret of Fatima. And how interesting to note that the pope said this on the Anniversary of Fatima, as if to let on to the gist of the Third Secret!

The foregoing is not to imply that Pope Paul was blameless, for he did make some mistakes, the biggest mistake being that he signed for the New Mass of Vatican Il, a Protestant concoction that he did not author.

Why did he sign for it? The probable answer is that he was under insurmountable pressure to do so, but the New Mass was not his initiative or design. As he himself states in his September 3, 1965 encyclical concerning the need to retain the old Latin Mass: “It cannot be tolerated that any individual should on his own authority modify the formulas used by the Council of Trent to propose the Eucharistic Mystery for our belief.” (Mysterium Fidei, September 3, 1965)

Pontifical Scapegoat

Unfortunately, the Freemasons and their episcopal pawns were the ones that generated the Vatican II revolution while they set up Paul VI to be the scapegoat. It calls to mind the French Revolution which was also generated by the Freemasons, who then laid low and blamed Marie Antoinette for all the problems, circulating lies that she was a spoiled brat in cahoots with the Austrians and who behaved like a tramp, when in fact she was an honorable Catholic who revered God, said the Rosary, and who lived in simplicity with clarity of conscience. She wept and prayed for her people whom she called her children.

Likewise, Pope Paul prayed for his children in a spirit of meekness, bearing all the blame and complaint that was being heaped upon him, and offering it for the Church. (Mt. 5: 1-12)

In 1970, Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen had the opportunity to speak personally with Pope Paul VI, and he said to him, "You are well named,” referencing how he took on the name of the persecuted Apostle Paul who went from city to city, and was stoned from Lystra to Derby, from Antioch to Pisidia. The Archbishop said, "You were stoned by your own." The pope replied, "Yes, I open my mail at midnight and in almost every letter is a thorn, and when I put my head on my pillow an hour or two later, I really lay it down upon a crown of thorns."

This side of Paul VI doesn’t gel with the modernist rebel often depicted in the traditionalist tabloids. There indeed are mysteries or strange contradictions about Pope Paul VI that simply don’t add up, and the key reason is that the Church at large has failed to acknowledge that an impostor went about impersonating him during the middle-late 70s.

People argue that the destructive new order of change was Pope Paul’s doing since he was the visible head of the Church when these historic changes were underway. But Paul VI was also the visible head of the Church when artificial contraception was being adopted more and more by Catholic women, even with the blessing of liberal clergy, so did this mean that the escalating use of the "pill" was also his doing? Is it possible that the pope who penned the superlative Humanae Vitae on the sanctity of human life and who solemnly declared that the smoke of Satan entered the Church could at the same time have been bent on destroying the Catholic Church?

The charges against Pope Paul hold no water. For while there are zealots of orthodoxy who go about alleging that Pope Paul VI was a “homosexual,” a “Freemason,” and a “Communist,” there is no fact to back these claims, nor do they gel with the assessment of the late great St. Padre Pio who paid Paul VI the tribute of calling him the “Supreme Pastor of all Christianity” to whom he pledged “unconditional obedience” to his “illuminated directions.” (Padre Pio’s letter to Pope Paul VI, September 12, 1968)

If this was Padre Pio’s assessment of Paul VI, shouldn’t it be ours too?



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