Short Litany of Aspirations of love and sacrifices
Alexandra Clark | The Daily Knight

May I prove to You my love, O heart of Jesus, by a spirit of self-sacrifice for your interests. May I cheerfully make every sacrifice You demand of me, 0 heart of my Jesus. May the sacrifices You ask of me glorify You, * May each sacrifice made for Your love draw me nearer to You, By increasing in the spirit of self-sacrifice, may I become more like You. May the sacrifices I make be agreeable to You, May each sacrifice win one soul to You, May each sacrifice prevent one mortal sin, May each sacrifice earn a special grace for some soul, May each sacrifice merit a holy death for some soul, May each sacrifice relieve a soul in purgatory, May each sacrifice ascend as a prayer to You, May each sacrifice be as a hymn of praise to You, May Your Holy Spirit instruct me more and more in the spirit of self-sacrifice, May the spirit of self-sacrifice increase in our family, May the same spirit be propagated throughout the whole Church, 0 Heart of my Jesus, And may it hasten the Church's triumph. O Lamb of God, sacrificed for us, give us a spirit of self-sacrifice. O Lamb of God, daily immolating Yourself upon the altar for us, give us grace to immolate our wills for Your sake.
O Lamb of God, dying for us, give us grace to die to all that wounds your Sacred Heart.
* O Heart of My Jesus
O Lord Jesus Christ, whose whole life was one continual sacrifice for the glory of Your Father and the salvation of our souls, grant us the grace to find our joy in making sacrifices for You and for the interests of Your Sacred Heart. Amen.
(St. Bonaventure has said, "There is no devotion without sacrifice." Making little sacrifices, when offered for an intention as above, proves your love for Him is real, not just words.)
