Providential Floods Douse Promiscuous “Burning Man” Event
David Martin | The Daily Knight

Epic flood in Nevada turns Black Rock Desert into an impassible swampland of mud
While the media has attempted to tone down the Apocalyptic nature of the epic flooding that submerged the Nevada community of Black Rock Desert under water on September 1, people are waking up to the punitive nature of this event that still has 70,000 partygoers stranded in ankle-deep mud with no working toilets and no way to escape.
If this doesn’t testify to the hand of God, what does! This weather event wasn’t geo-engineered but Deo-engineered because Black Rock Desert was the scene of the infamous “Burning Man” event this past week that had nearly 70,000 people engaging in lewd and sorcerous activity.
“Burning Man” is the Devil
The Burning Man Project — an annual event focused on “self-expression” and “self-reliance” — has been described as “a literal orgy of wanton sexual encounters and substance abuse.” We might see it as the Nevada version of the 1969 “Woodstock” festival, but only worse. Just the name gives it away for what it is. The “Burning Man” is the devil, the moving force behind this event that is designed to give people to Satan.
The Burning Man Project pushes the idea of “radical self-reliance,” which is just another way of getting people to profess their separation from God. Marian Goodell, a founding board member and CEO of the project explains that participation at this annual event “changes the way you look at litter, yourself, and what you’re bringing into the world.”

A writer at The Huffington Post explains that after Burning Man, “people change their names, their professions, and even their entire lives, because what they experience at Burning Man expands their horizons to the extent that their existences in the outside world seem pale by comparison.”
In other words, the devil changes participants from normal to weird, from kind to cruel, from moral to immoral, from sober to intoxicated. The “expanded” experience of Burning Man is the same basic idea of LSD “expanding the mind.” As with LSD, Burning Man makes people stupid and deranged, so deranged that they think their derangement is form of light or goodness.
Fake Goodness
Everything at Burning Man is done under the pretext of goodness. These are hypocritical enviro-fanatics who pick up every little piece of litter and trash to look clean and eco-friendly while they trash their lives before their Maker.
With the exception of coffee and ice, nothing is sold at the event but is “bartered.” Every transaction of material goods and services is what its promoters call “gifted,” from the design materials used to construct encampments and stages, to the whiskey bars, drugs, sexual favors, sexual paraphernalia, food gardens, occult workshops, tarot card readings, behemoth statues, and promiscuous art.
In other words, Burning Man cloaks itself with fake goodness to cover evil and uses the word “gifted” to delude members that they are imbued with a supreme being, as if they were gods. Unfortunately, their pride and “self-reliance” has offended God, therefore God punished them for going out there on September 1.
Testaments to Divine Justice
It calls to mind the weather event of Hurricane Katrina of August 23, 2005, that slammed the New Orleans area killing 1,836 people and leaving in its wake up to $145 billion in damage. The promiscuous LGBT group “Southern Decadence” had scheduled a sexually explicit LGBT event to take place in the streets of New Orleans on August 28. There were reports that the commission of sodomy was expected in the streets of the “Big Easy” but Katrina came along and washed out their dirty plans.
Interestingly, the word Katrina in Greek means “pure” or to make pure. God used Katrina to purify or chastise New Orleans.
Again, there was the destructive “Northridge Earthquake” that rocked the Los Angeles area on January 17, 1994. At the time, the LA suburb of Northridge was the hub of the nation’s pornographic video industry with several companies in that area that were cranking out over 95% of America’s pornographic videos. Many of the companies were heavily damaged in the quake, including the giant of the industry, VCA Pictures, that was completely destroyed.
Still again, there was the 7.2 San Francisco “Loma Prieta” earthquake of October 17, 1989, that killed 63 people, injured 3800 others, and wrought $6 billion in property damage. San Francisco of course is known for its sodomy and queer-festing. It is truly Sodom and Gomorrah in our midst, and it was this infamous city that was hosting the Oakland-Giants World Series that night. The game was about to start, the eyes of the world were on San Francisco when San Francisco was suddenly hit by the powerful tremor, causing the game to be postponed. God made sure the eyes of the world were on San Francisco before He did what He had to do. It was the finger of the Almighty pointing out San Francisco before the world.
Similarly, the Almighty has made His hand known in the community of Black Rock Desert, Nevada, yet the media is toning down the severity of the floods seeing that people are waking up to the retributive nature of this freak event. The U.S. Weather Service said that Black Rock Desert received up to 0.8 inches in just 24 hours between Friday and Saturday morning while AP reported that “More than a half-inch of rain fell at the festival site on Friday.” Who are they trying to kid?
A Classic Pattern of History
Black Rock Desert received approximately 8 to10 inches of rain, which is nearly double the amount it receives in a year. 0.8 or a half-inch of rain doesn’t turn a dry, flat desert surface into a knee-deep lake of mud that has 70,000 people trapped for two days. It follows the classic pattern of history that when man licentiously transgresses into the realms of forbidden promiscuity the hand of God is sure to find them.

In Christ Crucified and the Most Victorious Heart of Jesus.
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