List of Ten Traditional Catholic Convents & Monasteries to Support
Alexandra Clark | The Daily Knight

In 1635, Our Lady (under the title, Our Lady of Good Success) told Ven. Mother Marianna de Jesus Torres about the great importance monasteries and convents serve. She said:
"Woe to the world should it lack monasteries and convents! Men do not comprehend their importance, for, if they understood, they would do all in their power to multiply them, because in them can be found the remedy for all physical and moral evils... No one on the face of the earth is aware whence comes the salvation of souls, the conversion of great sinners, the end of great scourges, the fertility of the land, the end of pestilence and wars, and the harmony between nations. All this is due to the prayers that rise up from monasteries and convents.”
Yet, today good Traditional and Faithfully Catholic Convents and Monasteries are under such great attack. As Archbishop Vigano himself wrote on the persecution of Traditional Convents:
This hatred has no juridical or disciplinary justification, since these Convents targeted by the Vatican limit themselves to living according to the charism of their Order, in fidelity to their Holy Founders and in a spirit of sincere communion with the Church. The number of their vocations is increasing, as is happening for all the Institutes in which the Rule of the Founders is put into practice and the Tridentine Liturgy is celebrated. The “fault” of these Religious Sisters is that they want to remain faithful to the immutable Magisterium of the Church and her two-thousand-year Tradition, to her venerable Liturgy. In the end, this is the only “fault” of all of the secular and religious communities, both of men and of women, in the face of the ruthless destructive action of Bergoglio….. I urge my brother Bishops, priests, and above all the faithful laity to raise their voices against the destruction of Convents of contemplative life and traditional religious Communities. It is necessary to give not only spiritual and moral support, but also material and media support to the victims of an attack that has been getting worse in recent weeks after the promulgation of the Motu Proprio Traditionis Custodes, so that the persecuted religious sisters may be defended and those who are responsible for this persecution that is hateful in the eyes of God and the entire ecclesial community may be exposed.” (Read Full Article Here)
The purpose of this article is to provide souls with a list of good Traditional Convents/Monasteries that we can support today, help them grow, and also a resource for young women who are looking to answer a vocation to be a nun/sister. Below you will find a list of the convents and monasteries from around the globe that I have found that:
1) Follow the traditional Rule of their Holy Founder (Ex. Benedictines follow the Rule of St. Benedict)
2) Only Pray the Traditional Divine Office in Latin
3) Attend the Traditional Latin Mass of All Times (also called the Tridentine Mass or Latin Mass of the Apostles)
Each convent below will have a brief summary and how to contact them and a way to support them. Again, it is vital for the life of the Church that we support these good nuns and sisters so that they can pray for us poor sinners in the world. Every little bit helps! And young ladies that are in search of good convents we hope that this list is helpful.
Please feel free to message us with others that you hear of and would like to see on this list (email: I hope that this list of ten will grow and I will continue to update this article as we find them. There is also a Facebook Group called: Supporters of Traditional Catholic Nuns and Convents I highly recommend joining to get weekly updates from some of these sisters.
List of 10 Good Traditional Convents Worldwide:

1) St. Joseph's Monastery, USA, in Silver City, NM, founded in 2018 and is affiliated with Our Lady of Guadalupe Monastery Monks. These Benedictine nuns represent the original form of feminine religious life as it developed from the Roman Virgins of Apostolic times, and they are the first monastery in the US to be setup like St. Benedict and his twin sister, St. Scholastica did in Italy. They follow faithfully the holy rule of St. Benedict. Read an article about the founding nuns taking First Vows here See here a video of the founding nuns receiving the habit and Bishop Fellay blessing the foundations of the new convent.
Website of the Monastery can be found here: (The sisters hope to have their own tab up there soon):
Vocational inquiries can write a letter asking to visit to this address: St. Joseph Monastery, 28 Cherokee Trail, Silver City, NM 88061.
Please support them by purchasing some great tasting, Abbey Roast Coffee here or by donating here:

2) Carmelite Nuns of the Holy Face, Ireland. These contemplative nuns seek to preserve the authentic religious life according to holy tradition as lived out in the original Rule of Saint Albert and customs of St. Teresa of Avila. They are not to be confused with the schismatic group in Spain known as the "Palmarian church" with whom they have no connection whatsoever. They are Roman Catholic nuns faithful to the unchanging Magisterium of the Catholic Church. Archbishop Vigano has given his support for these nuns and his letter is posted here. This is an excerpt from the letter: “May your life — yours and your sister's, as well as that of those who wish to join you on the path of perfection — be animated by the spirit of reparation and expiation for the sins and infidelities, especially of the Ministers of the Church. May your serene and smiling face be the mirror of your soul, while in penance and the rigor of fasting you tame your flesh and spirit. Offer yourselves as victims, unreservedly and unconditionally, and you will be welcomed and blessed by the pure, holy and immaculate Victim who offers Himself for us every day on our altars.” See here a video from the sisters YouTube Channel.
Vocational Inquiries:
Please Support them on their GIVESENDGO or LIFEFUNDER

3) Sisters of the Sacred and Immaculate Hearts (SSIH), Nigeria, Africa: were founded for the Love and Reparation of the two Hearts of Love: Jesus and Mary. Now more than ever we need to make reparation for our offenses and the offenses of others. And Jesus opening His Divine Heart said: ‘Behold this Heart which has so loved men that His Heart spared nothing, even going so far as to exhaust and consume Himself, to prove to them His love. And in return, I receive from the greater part of men nothing but ingratitude, by the contempt, irreverence, sacrileges and coldness with which they treat Me in this Sacrament of Love. But what is still more painful to Me is that even souls consecrated to Me are acting in this way." Thus, the Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary's goal is to make this reparation to the Heart of Christ in a direct response to His aching Heart calling for Love! And the reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary is the sister's answering Our Lady of Fatima's plea for reparation to her Immaculate Heart. This convent is a new Traditional Catholic Convent that was founded on the 27th of August, 2020, by Fr. Abah Samuel-Maria in response to the increasing crises of Faith and Morals going on in the Church. The sisters pray the Divine Office in Latin and follow the rule of an SSPX Congregation of Jesus and Mary.
Website: See images of the sisters here. Website not set up yet.
Vocational Inquires: Mother Theresa of the Crucified Jesus Email or Mail: Sisters of the Sacred and Immaculate Hearts Street Address: No 3 King David Onoja Crescent, GRA Otukpo. Nigeria. Phone Number: +234-9053332803, +234-8140408716.
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4) Consoling Sisters of the Sacred Heart, Italy, India and now in the USA: "To love Thee and make Thee loved!" Such is the motto of the humble congregation of the Consoling Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus founded in 1961 by Fr. Basilio Rosati, Passionist. This Congregation is inflamed with the ideal of consoling the Divine Heart of Jesus, so afflicted by the coldness, the outrages, and the betrayals of so many souls that are particularly dear to Him, souls which He redeemed by His most precious Blood. Read more of their history here. There are 3 Sisters that have arrived in the USA to start a convent probably in Arizona.
Vocational Inquires:
Please Support them HERE

5) Sisters of St. Thomas Aquinas, Florida: The Congregation of the Sisters of St. Thomas Aquinas is a traditional Catholic institute of women religious who, by the observance of the vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience, apply themselves to acquire Christian perfection. The Congregation is organized according to pre-Vatican II standards and professes that Vatican II and the doctrinal, disciplinary, and liturgical reforms that have proceeded from it are substantial alterations of the Catholic Faith. It professes that these heretical, evil, and blasphemous reforms can in no way proceed from the Roman Catholic Church, since she is infallible in her doctrines, her disciplines and her liturgical worship. Thus, the Congregation rejects these reforms and adheres to traditional Catholic doctrine, discipline, and liturgy, pristine and untouched. Sisters of St. Thomas Aquinas are a teaching Congregation devoted to the Catholic education of the youth. They run Queen of All Saints Academy here. Catholic education of children is a most urgent need in these troubled times in which truth is endangered by error and heresy. Public institutions of education, now presenting a serious danger to faith and morals, are no longer an option for Catholic parents. The sisters can be found on Facebook here and here is a video of the sisters angelic singing.
Vocational Inquiries: Mail: Sisters of St, Thomas Aquinas 20120 Barnett Rd, Brooksville, FL, United States, 34601, Phone: (352) 232-1570 Or Summit this form here.
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6) Dominican Sisters of Wanganui, New Zealand: Established on 8th of December 2002, the Congregation of the Dominican Sisters of Wanganui under the Protection of Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary and Saint Catherine of Siena began humbly in Wanganui. St Dominic founded a new kind of Order, one that pursed an intense life of prayer and yet embraced a general apostolic activity. He personally demonstrated that it is possible to be a contemplative of the highest type and also a zealous apostle. But these two lives can be united only when the apostle gives primacy to contemplation. It must be Christian contemplation, pondering the mysteries of our redemption – Christ’s desire to save all souls, His death on the Cross for the redemption of sinners, the Father’s love in sending Christ to us. That type of prayer becomes apostolic; the contemplative seeks the salvation of his neighbour, because, like the early Christians, when he “sees his neighbour, he sees God.” Dominican life is the image of St Dominic. The Sisters have a newsletter here.
Vocational Inquiries:
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7) Daughters of Mary, Mother of Israel's in KS/TX:. Mother Miriam of the Lamb of God, O.S.B., Foundress of the Daughters of Mary, Mother of Israel’s Hope writes: Beloved, if our Blessed Lord is drawing you into deeper union with Him through a vocation to religious life, we bless Him. And if He is drawing you further into a contemplative-active congregation geared to helping to restore our Lord’s design for the Family, we indeed welcome women of all ages (18 to 118!) who meet the description for entry in the Introduction to Our Charism and who desire to give up all for the One who gave His all for us. Here is a video of Mother Miriam describing the order. In 2008, at the invitation of Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke, then Archbishop of St. Louis, Missouri, the Daughters of Mary, Mother of Israel’s Hope took root. They follow the Rule of St. Benedict. You can listen to Mother Miriam’s live podcast here.
Vocational Inquires: write Daughters of Mary, Mother of Israel’s Hope 500 N Mill St, Beloit, KS 67420 Email:
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8) Carmel of the Holy Trinity, Discalced Carmelites in Spokane, WA: In 1985, Mother Marie Christiane (one of Archbishop Lefebvre's blood sisters), founded the American Carmel. Tradition takes the Order of Carmel back nine centuries before Christ to the time of the Prophet Elias who is considered its Founder. Saint Elias lived as a hermit on Mount Carmel in Palestine, which also became a place of solitude for his disciples.
Vocational Inquires: Can write Rev. Mother Superior, Carmel of the Holy Trinity, S. 4027 Wilbur Road, Spokane, WA 99206. Phone: 509-928-0114
Please Support: Mail address above
9) Carmelite Monastery of the Sacred Hearts in Colorado Springs, CO: founded in 1987 in Colorado Springs. These nuns are cloistered contemplative nuns dedicated to the Traditional Latin Mass, dedicated to the Glory of God for the salvation of souls.
Vocational Inquiries:
Please Support:
10) Dominican Sisters of Fanjeaux, in Post Falls, ID and Massena, NY: Dominican Teaching Sisters of the Holy Name of Jesus of Fanjeaux was one of the first religious congregations to resist the Modernist New Mass. For their Catholic principles the sisters continue to suffer as witnessed during the Rome pilgrimage when they were denied permission to have the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass offered in any of the Roman churches. Video of sisters here.
Vocational Inquiries and send in support by mailing:
St. Dominic's School 20274 W. Riverview Drive Post Falls, ID 83854 208-773-7598 tel
Holy Name of Jesus Academy 337 Trippany Road Massena, NY 13662 315-769-6030 tel
Ora et Labora per Mariam semper!

St. Joseph Monastery, NM