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Letter of Support from Archbishop Viganò to Carmelite Nuns of the Holy Face in Ireland


Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano has recently given his blessing and support to Mother Irene & the Religious Community of the Carmelite Nuns of the Holy Face in Ireland. Read here Mother Irene's email update followed by the wonderful letter written by His Excellency to the Nuns.

+ Ave Maria Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Greetings from the Carmelite Nuns of the Holy Face in Ireland! We wish to keep you updated on the building progress of St. Joseph's Hermitage here in the mountains of County Cork. Thanks to your charity and support, the work on the old house is progressing well. Even as we write, the builders are working on re-roofing the house. As yet we do not have electricity and we are still waiting to receive a government grant to enable us to drill a well. Our vegetable and herb garden did exceptionally well. A local farmer kindly provided us with four loads of farm yard manure which made all the difference. Also, our prayer/shrine garden which we planted for you, our benefactors, has provided us with many beautiful flowers to adorn the Sanctuary of the Most High God. As if this were not enough to show His love for us, Our Divine Spouse has heard our prayers once again through the most powerful intercession and tears of His Blessed Mother and ours. As confirmation that we are doing God's Holy Will and are in good standing with the Catholic Church, we recently received a letter of support and Apostolic blessing from the holy prelate, His Grace, Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano who was former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States. Please take time to read his letter and share it with family and friends. Once again, we wish to thank you all most sincerely for your support and beg you to continue to assist us according as God inspires you. We are here for you. Both day and night we make intercession for you and your loved ones before the Tabernacle of the Most High God. We carry you spiritually with us as we go about our daily chores and as we gather together to pray the Canonical Hours. On your part, we ask that you would continue to pray for our Carmelite Foundation that God will bless us with a chaplain and the financial means to build St. Joseph's Hermitage. May God grant you all every gift and blessing and may Our Blessed Mother Mary keep you all safe under her Mantle. Rev. Mother Irene of the Holy Face, O.Carm & Community

Please consider a donation to support these Faithful Carmelite Nuns here:

Letter of support from Archbishop Viganò

Received 26 August 2021

Reverend Mother Irene,

I received your letter a few weeks ago, and I apologize for replying only now. We thank the Lord who gives us strength and assists us.

I read with great interest about your vocation and your experience of the Carmelite eremitic life that you established in Ireland. I was very impressed by your courage, your unfailing fidelity and your unshakable hope. You too have been hit hard by the ideological fury and ruthless hatred of the Modernists who, after years of slow and progressive infiltration, have now occupied all the vital positions in the Church. Like gold in the crucible, Our Lord has wanted to put you to the test, making you pass "through fire and water" (Ps 65), uniting you ever more intimately to Himself.

The Virgin of Carmel has deigned to show Herself in the place where, centuries ago, Saint Elijah proclaimed before the priests of Baal that the God of Israel is the true God: "O Lord God of Abraham, and Isaac, and Israel, shew this day that thou art the God of Israel, and I thy servant, and that according to thy commandment I have done all these things. Hear me, O Lord, hear me: that this people may learn that thou art the Lord God, and that thou hast turned their heart again." (1 Kings 18:36-37). Even today, in this great apostasy that is fouling the Church and the world, we find ourselves invoking like Saint Elijah that the Lord will manifest Himself in all His power to rout our enemies and expose their superstitions. Even today we see false priests "cutting their flesh" (ibid., 28) and wanting to impose this on all humanity under the pretext of a false pandemic. Even today, God's people question His divine Kingship and let themselves be charmed by the prophets of Baal and Asera who recommend the vaccine as a "moral duty". But that Vitis Florigena [Blossom Laden Vine], the Mother of the Incarnate Word, invites us to renew our faith in Her Son, in the certainty that He will not fail to show the nations that He is the Lord God and that He converts the hearts of His people. But for this to happen, for this pile of wood ready for the holocaust to be swallowed up by the devouring flames of Charity, we must make ourselves worthy of divine intervention, and return to worship the Living and True God, after decades of infidelity and prostitution with idols. The water that drips from the wood symbolizes in fact the faults of the men of the Church and of the faithful, which make it humanly impossible to set fire to it, but which before God provide an additional way to manifest His omnipotence, in spite of our weaknesses.

May your life — yours and your sister's, as well as that of those who wish to join you on the path of perfection — be animated by the spirit of reparation and expiation for the sins and infidelities, especially of the Ministers of the Church. May your serene and smiling face be the mirror of your soul, while in penance and the rigor of fasting you tame your flesh and spirit. Offer yourselves as victims, unreservedly and unconditionally, and you will be welcomed and blessed by the pure, holy and immaculate Victim who offers Himself for us every day on our altars. Pray for those who persecute you, even and especially when they should be your protectors and friends. On Carmel, the Lord God of hosts has triumphed, and with Him has triumphed our Lady and Queen, whom we venerate as Flos Carmeli [Flower of Carmel].

I ask Heaven to bestow upon you spiritual and material graces, above all the grace of a Chaplain. This seems to be a very difficult thing to obtain in Ireland, especially in the present context of total crisis, both in the ecclesial and social spheres. For my part, I will do my best to help you as best as I can. It would be better, if you wish, to discuss this verbally over the phone.

Finally, feel free to publish my writings on your site, in the hope that they may contribute to the spread of the Light of Truth in the hearts and minds of so many who fumble in darkness and confusion.

"Ask not for light crosses, but for strong backs" — St. Teresa exhorts us. Let us pray, therefore, that the Lord will deign to make our backs firm and strong, so that we may be able to bear with love the cross He has prepared for us.

I carry you spiritually with me at the foot of the altar each day as I offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. On behalf of you and your sister, Reverend Mother, I trust that you also feel spiritually close to me especially when you recite the Canonical Hours.

With all my heart, Reverend Mother Irene, I give you and your sister my fullest blessing, in the hope of every heavenly gift.

+ Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop




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